Chapter Nine

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One week later

Katie's pov:

It's been a week since I've seen or spoke to Luke, he hasn't been at school, he isn't replying to any of my calls or texts. Facebook,tweets. Nothing.

The boys haven't heard much of him either they just keep telling me to 'give him time' but I honestly don't think I can do that anymore. What if he leaves me again? Drifts away? And we go back to being distant? I really don't want that to happen. If it hasn't already.

I'm currently sat in English accompanied by Michael, I've got a lot closer to all the boys over the past week. The boys are all like brothers to me,like Emma is sister. But I'm definitely closest to Michael, we just have the most in common I suppose.

They've all been helping me through this week, trying to distract me from my running thoughts of Luke.

I've told them it's helping but it's really not. I remind myself of him, we're just that similar, my outfit reminds me a lot of him tbh. It's driving me insane.

Black leggings, band tee, black vans and bracelets.

I'm even getting my lip pierced tonight with the boys. Calum's getting a new tattoo and I'm getting a lip ring, the opposite side to Luke's. I don't want us to be completely alike.

Also from what I've been hearing Michaels gunna dye his hair again.

"Katie -snap- katie -snap- katie.." Michael clicks infront of my face, returning me back from my thoughts

Before he can click again, I grab his hand twisting his arm back a little.
"Do that again I'll kill you. But What?" he chuckles. I let go of his hand "You've been zoned out for the last half hour. Class is finished. It's lunch time." Packing away his text book and standing up.

"Oh" i giggle "sorry" God I really lose track of time when I'm daydreaming. I quickly pack up my things and we make our way to the cafeteria.

Horrible, mushy looking pasta and meatloaf sit in hot oven trays on the serving bench. We avoid it completely, both of us grab decent looking sandwiches and a soda and head to our usual table, to join Calum, Emma and Ashton.

"Hey guys" we take our seats, joining in with conversation. The boys start talking about band rehearsal,which leaves me and Emma to have some private talk time.

"Anything from Luke?" Emma whispers, moving her fork through her pasta. "Nope" I state quietly before taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"He'll come around, he can't stay hidden for too long" Emma assures me, offering me a comforting smile. I smile back "I hope so"

Calum slams his fork on the table "this pastas disgusting!" He shouts, pushing his tray away hastily like its diseased.
Michael picks up the bowl and dumps his rubbish and Calum's pasta into the bin.

Ashton pipes up "do use just wanna ditch? Go get something decent? y'know... Edible?" We all nod our heads in agreement, making our way through the school towards our afternoon of freedom.

We stop at everyone's lockers and quickly grab our things, quickly running through the office while the receptionists back is turned and escape into the parking lot. Running as fast as we can to Ashton's car and piling in, fastening our seat belts as we turn out of school campus.

"Where to?" Ashton questions when we come up to the T junction. "MALL" we all shout, Ashton turns the right corner then speeds up fast towards our destination.

We arrive at the mall and pile out of the car. All of us quickly running towards the entrance, soon enough stopping when we see a security guard eyeing us suspiciously. He steps forward as we go to enter the building.

"Aren't you kids supposed to be in school" blocking our way "it's lunch. Officerrrr.....Lemmings" I finish, finally finding his misplaced badge. "Alright." he mutters standing out our way back to the side, finally letting us in.

Were wandering around looking for somewhere good to eat when my eyes land on that yellow sign 'M'. "Macca's?" "Macca's." We go in and sit down while Calum orders our food

"5 chicken legend meals with cokes please" the cashier lady eyes him, disgusted at much he's ordered.
"Friends are over there thank you." Calum combats gesturing over to our table. "£23.50" she huffs shoving her hand out for the cash and the food on the counter "Here" Calum mutters grabbing the food and shoving the money into the bitches hand.

He grabs a stool and pulls it up to our four seater table, dumping the bags and sitting down. Everyone digs in before I look around realising what's missing "errrrr Calum?" "Mmm?" He looks ups, mouth full with chicken "drinks? Where are the drinks?" Calum shots up and barges over to the counter, he starts arguing with the moody employee from before but were unable to here what's said.

She soon gives up and goes behind the counter, not looking happy at all. Calum shortly comes back with a tray full of drinks. "Sorted" he claims, dropping the tray onto the table with a thud and continuing his food.

We sit and chat for a while before we decide it's time to a bit of shopping.We all head out towards the centre of the mall,the boy's head to topman but I quickly pull them all into hot look.

We all start roaming through band tee shirts, wristbands and snapbacks. I'm searching through the all time low section when my eyes land upon it. The new future hearts album tee, the last one left. In my size. It was destiny.

I try to reach it but I'm too short, I struggle for awhile until I hear a male voice from behind me "I'll get it"
My phone goes off, I have a text from Calum 'were done, waiting outside x'
I type back a simple okay before going to shove it back in my pocket when the male pipes up again "got it" holding it out to me.

"Thanks" I grab onto the hanger and look up, my eyes locking with familiar icy blue ones


Authors note:

Sorry it takes me so long to update, but yeah this was kind of a filler chapter? Some drama is gunna go down most likely in the next update. Also THANKYOU FOR 1K READS ON THIS STORY! It means a lot to me please vote if you liked this chapter ✌️

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