Chapter Two

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Katies POV:

The rest of the day went by quite quickly i had lunch,geography and active(pe,gym, whatever you want to call it)

Me and Emma went to Starbucks for lunch and got a sandwich and chocolate mocha each, after a good ten minutes the 'heart throbs' piled in and sit behind us as usual

I felt eyes watching me, i turned round to see Luke staring at me,i blushed really bad so i turned back to Emma

For the rest of day; I basically just sleep during geography because i dont have Luke to stare at and daydream about or talk to, plus its just a really boring lesson

But in active all the girls were watching Luke play football with the rest of the boys. When he scored a goal, all us girls jumped up "YAY GO LUKE!" He turned round, smiled and waved then went back to the game.

Soon enough it was time to go home

I walked home as usual with Emma by my side, the 'heartthrobs' drove past blaring music as usual, we recognised the band as All Time Low. Me and Emma love that band, so we quietly started singing along to 'Stella' as they continued up the road.

After ten minutes me and Emma parted ways, I made my way through the park down to my house. I opened the door and took off my shoes, leaving them by the door.

I retreated to my room to try and study maths, i dont want my new tutor to think im completely useless. I gave up after a while because my brain just cant process equations.

I read a few chapters of The Fault In Our Stars, got changed into my pjamas, spoke to Emma for a while and went to bed.

*next morning*

I woke up before my alarm. I went to bed quite early so i was awake and ready to start the day. I did my routine as usual and got dressed.

Picking out a pair of black high waisted shorts and my nirvana singlet, tucking it into my shorts and pulling it over slightly.

I pulled on my all black converse and went downstairs to make breakfast.

I grabbed an apple, we'd ran out of jacobs ice coffee so i decided to just get one at starbucks.

grabbing my black leather studded backpack I walk out the door to find Emma on the porch chair waiting as usual. She seems to be half asleep, but she still looks cute, her hair tied back with a few pieces framing her face. She was wearing her black skinny jeans, Ramones jumper and her black vans.

We headed to starbucks and got our drinks, the boys piling in as usual. Luke was staring at me again, im not really sure why, he just was. Me and Emma left shortly after,heading to school.

We had maths today and i find out who my tutor is, they'll be tutoring me everyday after school either at my house or theirs depending on whats easiest.

Me and Emma say our goodbyes at the lockers and we head our seperate ways. I walk in to find Luke sitting in the empty classroom alone, even Liz isnt here yet.

I go sit down, getting out my pen and notebook when Luke speaks up

"Nice shirt"

I look over at him to realise were both wearing Nirvana shirts

"Thanks,You to"

"Do you actually listen to them or just wear the tops?"

"Listen to them, i hate it when people wear the tops but have no idea who the band actually is"

"Same"Luke smiles placing his feet ontop of his desk

"Liz would not approve" i giggle, pushing down his feet from the desk, Luke giggles at my silliness and the rest of the class arrives

Liz walks in a few minutes later "sorry im late class the printer wasnt working"

"Katie, could you hand these out please"

I get up and take the worksheets from her slowly making my way round the room handing them out to everyone, i get to Luke i smile and place one on his desk

"Thanks babe" he says before starting the sheet, i smiled really wide and sat down.

It was nearly the end of the lesson when Liz spoke up "Katie, Luke can you two stay behind at the end of the lesson please"

We all packed away and Liz dismissed us, me and Luke making our way to the front.

"Right Katie, Luke will be your tutor for the rest of the year"

I nodded and glanced over at Luke, who had a very happy expression on his face.We both left and walking to our lockers.

"So, your house or mine"

"Mine, we'll take my car?" Luke suggested

"Okay sure" i nodded "walk together to music? Were in the same lesson anyway"

"Okay lets go then" he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the music department, when he touched my hand i felt butterflies and all warm inside, even though nearly two years ago he did this once or twice a day.

We reached the music room and take our seats together, he looks down, realising he's still holding my hand.He lets go and blushes "sorry"

"Its fine dont worry" i pat his knee to reassure him

We only have half days on tuesdays so we finish at 12:30, we only had a hour and a half left

I grab my song lyrics and head into the practice room, after a while i hear a door slam but dont think anything of it. I finish the last verse of Therapy by All Time Low and turn around to put them away to see Luke standing at the door.

"You could atleast knock"

Completely ignoring my comment he continues "Your really good"

"Thanks so are you" i return

"Maybe we could duet sometime, like old times?"


I check the time, its 12:30 i go to say we should leave but Luke beats me to it

"Katie we should go, its half 12"

We grab all our things and head to Lukes car

Authors note;
Hello everyone i hope your enjoy this so far, i love writing this one. SO much that ive actually got chapters written in advanced

Therapy  // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now