Chapter Ten

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Luke's PoV

I thought I was just helping a random customer, until she looked up that is, my eyes locking with her greeny blue ones.


Watching her eyes fill with tears, that broke my heart, yeah we're not dating or anything but she's still my bestfriend. That loud choke of a sob as she drops the tshirt and runs out crying into Ashton's arms.

I run after her and stop when I see the scene infront of me. Katie crying into Michaels shoulder, him grasping onto her like if he lets go she'll break. I slow down and slowly walk up behind Katie,placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Katie I'm sorry, let me explain" she sniffles, trying to refrain herself "Luke I thought you were seriously hurt!!" She starts to raise her voice "You left me, no explanation, no goodbye, you left me in my house a worried mess, a hole in the wall and bloodstains on the carpet!!" sigh

"Did you really think I wouldn't care?!" The tears start to come down again, she burys her head into Michael's chest gasping for air as she sobs ."Yeah Luke what have you been doing this past week eh?" Michael starts the questioning up again "guys i can't tell you" sigh " it's too complicated"

"Michael take me home" Katie mumbles "Katie please" i reach after her hand but Michael pulls her out of my reach "Katie please I'm so sorry"

"Just leave me alone Luke" she sighs, turning with Michael and walking away, everyone but Ashton following.
"Mate she's just upset, just give her abit of space, but you do owe her an explanation she's been worried sick" patting me on the back before he walks off as well

I wipe my face with my hands and go back into the store. Picking up the t-shirt Katie dropped and decided to buy it for her. Part of my apology and also all time low is our favourite band. I grab a few other things before I pay, fake sick and go home. I need to think, i need a way to explain this messed up situation called my life.

Katie's PoV

We walk out the mall, Michaels arm still hooked round my shoulder and the others trailing behind. We pile into Ashton's car and I lean into Michael, my head on his chest. The whole car is silent, everyone giving me airspace and time to think, but sometimes that isn't the best thing.

I can feel Michael breathing, the rise and fall of his upper body. It's relaxing, calming even. He moves down near my ear "are you okay" he whispers, I wipe any excess tear stains from my cheeks and face him "I will be".

I must of dozed off because before I know it were parked outside of my house and Michael's shaking me awake. "Bye guys" i mumble as me, Emma and Michael get out the car. "Text me if you need me" "chin up kid" Ashton ruffles my hair which makes me crack a small smile.

I turn on to Emma and she gives me a hug "text me okay? Or just shout I'll hear you anyway, if you need me I'm here" we go our separate ways and I let me and Michael into the house

We go upstairs and I change into a pair of sweatpants, oversized jumper and fluffy socks. Giving Michael a set of Luke's old clothes and pulling my hair into a messy bun while he changes.

Once were changed we go and raid the kitchen, pulling out packs of popcorn,crisps,haribos and ballaballa sticks.We sit on the couch watching Big Bang theory until Michael pipes up "Fort?" He asks, I nod "fort." We both grab cushions, bed pillows and blankets and make it huge, hanging over the tv and nearly into the kitchen. I order pepperoni pizza, we sit on the floor intertwined with the blankets and put on anchor man.

Half way through the film the pizza arrives and Michael's slightly excited, jumping up and dashing to the door before I can even speak up. He brings it over and we dig in.

By the time the film ends, me and Michael are piled on each other asleep. Under our homemade house sized fort while the tv buzzes in the background


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