4. 𝗍𝗋𝗎𝗍𝗁

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Scott woke up in his bed. He jolted upright. He didn't even remember going to sleep in the first place. He searched the room only to find Allison asleep on his armchair. She looked so peaceful. The sun seeping in from his half closed curtains made her skin look golden next to her dark hair which laid perfectly out of the way. She was still wearing the same clothes as the previous day. She's just an angel from heaven. He sighed not wanting to brake the silence but he needed to get going.


Allison jumped, startled by the sound of his voice. She sighed. Relieved to be greeted by his voice.

"Morning. How are you feeling?" She asked cautiously.

Scott smiled and swung his legs around the edge of the bed and stood up.

"Great actually. Fresh and ready to continue the search —"

"Scott." Her smile disappeared. "We... I can't keep doing this."

"Doing what?" He asked already knowing the answer.


Scott looked away and thought, can she not understand how I feel. My best friend is missing. They all think he's — he's...No, I can't think like that. We'll find him and if they give up, I guess I'll have to do it myself.

"No, Allison! You don't understand!"

"You're right Scott! I don't!"

They are now standing directly in front of one another, nose to nose. Staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"I will find him." Scott says more quietly. "Even if it's the last thing I do. You can either choose to help or just leave me alone."

Allison took a step back. She sighed and looking disappointed at his statement.

"I want to help you but I was afraid it would come to this." She paused. "Boys?" She called.

Before Scott could react he was pinned down on the mattress by Isaac and Derek.

"Hey? Guys! What the Hell!" He said whilst struggling underneath their weight.

"Scott you have to understand this is for the best."

Scott, really confused now, starts to panic.

"Allison stop this! I thought you wanted to help!"
"I am helping, Scott."

Scott couldn't believe what was going on.

He proceeds to struggle underneath the two betas. Trying to break free from the madness but then Allison pulls something out of her bag that makes his eyes widen.

"Allison? No! Wha — What are you doing!"

"I'm doing what's right." She says as she proceeds to inject him with some foreign liquid.

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