December 1st

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Welcome back, winter journal! A brand new year (except not, it's the end) and brand new events (except not, I can't do anything) just for you (except true, I can't talk to anyone else). Today is December 1st, 20⬛️⬛️, and you know what December means for me: no motivation to do anything, no energy meant for anything, and no real feeling in general. Since dad's out on bUsInEsS and Gaz is with fRiEnDs all the time, and that leaves me all alone with all the time in the world to watch ZiM. That's what I should be focusing on! Right? Maybe this year that can be my motivation... I have nothing else to look forward to since dad won't be back by January (which will make Gaz want to be around more, too), so I should be focused on the one thing I know how to do!
Stalk the small green boy that lives down the street!
Don't tell me that's weird, it's not! It's perfectly normal!! For me
Anyway, he's an alien; I should!!!!!
But honestly? Without anyone around to help or listen to me, or even TALK to, it would just be boring! Besides, I've been doing this for so long... maybe I should take a break this year. Yeah. Focus on hi skool. If I can. December is a bit hard for reasons I've already stated; I don't think it's like...seasonal depression/seasonal affected disorder since lighting and temperature and anything like that is involved—it's just because it's December. So, I've come up with my own name:

Sorrow Affected by December

Which, coincidentally, is an acronym to SAD. Not quite sure if there's an actual thing for it, but this is an area I'm not good and don't trust the internet with. Anyway... it's only the first day. I'm not affected by the big SAD yet. So, here's a chart:



I'll be updating it daily. Maybe even add some extra notes about ZiM! I'll be sure to write in this every day this time... the last few years I didn't get a chance to, but I'm making sure to track all my feelings this year to try to make a cure (right word?) for next year.

S.A.D [ZaDr] - Invader ZiM Christmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now