December 2nd

546 12 14

Look at that!! Nothing's changed today!! Maybe it won't be a yearly thing after all!! I even was SUPER-FOCUSED on ZiM today! Though, I did get a single message from Gaz today:

Look at that!! Nothing's changed today!! Maybe it won't be a yearly thing after all!! I even was SUPER-FOCUSED on ZiM today! Though, I did get a single message from Gaz today:

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...makes more sense in context, but it's an awkward conversation. It was nice to get a message at least.
I got nothing from dad. Dr. Membrane is probably busy, since he always is. God, I sound like a main fanfic character. Uh, not that I'd know what they sound like... (please don't tell Gaz.)
Look, is it so bad for him to just spend time with his children for the holidays? I know how much he hates Santa—in fact that's one of the reasons why he's gone—but he can at least be here for once! Or at least change our religion or holiday if that would help.
Maybe if I caught the real Santa he'd stop leaving this time of year. (Note: This never comes back up. I don't do it. Don't count on it.)
Gaz isn't to fond of this time, either; that's why she spends time with friends instead. I think a part of that might honestly be my fault... I have been sending this time of year usually obsessing over ZiM...
Speaking of ZiM!!
Class was normal, since it was just one class the entire time... some hi skool, honestly. But! It was that one class where I took ZiM notes!!

-in class, he seemed a bit fidgety. Maybe he has a new plan—I'll have to check the camera footage!
-he wore a big sweater today—cold? Is he cold-blooded? Either way, he looked kinda c⬛️⬛️e EVIL with it on
-he asked to go to the bathroom a few times. Definitely planning something!
-didn't touch his food! Normal.

So, a lot of it is normal. That doesn't mean something TERRIBLE could happen to me! And when it does, I'll be ready—my mood level's hardly changed!



I'll be ready!!!

sketch of mothman i made! :)

sketch of mothman i made! :)

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S.A.D [ZaDr] - Invader ZiM Christmas AUWhere stories live. Discover now