December 4th

427 9 14

ZiM wasn't at skool today.

I went home to check the surveillance footage of his house the second skool got out, and I noticed some...odd things. Well, odd-er.

-he was on the couch. I've only seen this twice before, and from nothing good.
-at some times, he was having worse attacks than yesterday (from what I could see).
-he never said anything to his computer
-he didn't eat any FunDip!
-sometimes during the attacks he'd mention his Tallest(s?). connection?

Something's going on here, and I'm officially saying that it might not be evil. Honestly though? I'm surprised this kind of thing happened this early into this journal. I mean, important stuff usually takes time, right?
But usuals aside, I'm not sure what to do. It's a dilemma: do I continue on with my month and prevent even more things from happening now that ZiM's out of the way, or do I go check on my worst enemy?
But if ZiM's out of the way, what more do I need to stop?
I'm definitely not going back to dad's lab...
I'm getting this...weird feeling as I write this. It's that feeling where it's as if your chest and your stomach are getting extra air and your head tickles? Like, you know something's up, but you don't know what.
But yeah, normal-sized head spinning, constant confusion, lack of motivation starting to grow.
I might just skip some of class tomorrow. But, what if ZiM's back? I'll just go to class, and if ZiM's not there, I'll leave early.

...and. Check on him. I guess.

Why am I getting so worried about my mortal enemy?

I guess I should update here just a little more:
Nothing from dad, Gaz barely talked to me in skool since she has lunch at a different time, and I got a mothman keychain from the mall (I guess I didn't mention that I actually went out; trying to keep energy up, y'know?). Nothing else happened aside from ZiM, and honestly that's what took up most of my attention. There's this other feeling I'm getting where, I'm pretty sure that's how it's going to be all month long.


????? FEELING????

Here's a picture of that keychain:

((((note by the pizza man: this is a redraw of a keychain i got at hot topic recently

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((((note by the pizza man: this is a redraw of a keychain i got at hot topic recently. in no way do i own this design, i just thought dib should have it.))))

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