Untitled LOVE

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Gulf was shocked to see Mew aka Jong standing in front of him and smiling..but his vision went pass Mew when he saw Pari behind him smiling..

Gulf was hurt.. and when the elders declared that Mew was going to be his husband soon..Gulf couldn't take it.. he felt like crying..

The person he fell for and his parents had arranged his marriage to was in in love with his brother Pari.

Gulf held back his tears and with great effort said.. "I decline Mr Suppasit's proposal of marriage.."

With that he walked straight to the Mansion... making every single person speechless....they all tried to digest what Gulf said and why....

He walked to his room and locked it... his Mom came and knocked the door along with the rest but Gulf was crying and denied to open the door.. the elders couldn't understand why Gulf rejected Mew when they already know that both of them met each other ...

Everyone was discussing what went wrong and Mew couldn't process ..what happened ..he was sitting beside his Dad lost in his thoughts.. "why did Gulf reject me? If he hates he..then what was that emotion that I saw in his eyes back then?? And why again did he leave the trip without informing me or anyone?? Is there a problem.. ?? does Gulf have problem with me??? What will I do now??

All sorts of questions where coming to his mind..when Pari stood up and said.. "Excuse me..may I borrow P Mew for a while.. I think I know why P Gulf rejected him.. and I think its fully my fault...

Mom ..Dad..i need to speak to P with P Mew..."

The parents didn't know what to do but they agreed.. Mew's dad shook him and brought back Mew from his thoughts.. Pari took Mew to Gulf's room and knocked.. "P Gulf ...please open the door.. we need to talk..."

"Go away Pari... I don't wanna talk..."

"Please P.. you need to know something... please just once for all time sake !! Please P"

Mew was just standing there looking blank... he had no idea what was going on..

After repeated requests finally Gulf opened the door. his eyes were red,.... Nose and cheeks were tomato red...he was looking quite cute..

Without a thought Mew blurted out.. "CUTE!!!"

Both the young boys looks at him...one with a mischief...and another in anger... mew just awkwardly brushed his neck..

Pari,, "okay lets go inside.."

Now all of them were in Gulf's room..and Gulf was sitting on his bed..angry pouty.. red slurry nose and a pillow on his lap with folded legs.

Pari sat beside him.. and when Mew was about to sit beside the boy.. Gulf have a dirty look which made Mew jump away.. he patiently took the single sofa ..

When everyone settled ..Pari spoke.. "P Gulf , I am sorry... I know why you rejected the marriage...you think P Mew is my Bf and you dotn wanna ruin your brother's life.. because ..you have also fallen in love with him.."

Mew looked at Gulf which surprise stretching forward his neck.. a little "WHAT? Me uuu Pari?? eh???

Gulf, " Don't lie to me both of you and Pari you don't have to sacrifice your love for me...and you (pointing at Mew) why don't you have the guts to accept my brother infront of the family....is this how much you love him???"

Mew,, " wha!!.. I don't love Nong Pari.. Gulf ..i love you?"

HUH!! Me?? Then why the hell were you kissing Pari ??are you trying to play with both of us??

"Kiss?? When did I kiss him?? and where??" pointing at Pari..

"that night before I left I saw you two kissing in the forest !!"

"Umm Gulf are you sure you saw us kissing ? Because we never kissed.. I was just helping Nong Pari clearing the insect that caught in his eyes,..."

P Gulf it is true.. .. it is also true that , that night I confessed to P Mew about how I feel... but he politely rejected me saying that he was betrothed to you.. I was surprised with his answer but I was happy that P Mew chose you as his partner.. and P Gulf .. by looking at you... I am happy to see that P Mew is lucky to have you in his life..

Gulf with big eyes was eating what Pari was telling him.. and Mew was just observing his to be husband...how can a 21 year old man be so cute and childish...

So I guess I did my explanation .. PMew please take over I am leaving....I need to start flirting with the handsome men at the party.. CHAIO...

With that Pari left and Gulf and Mew were sitting in the room in silence... Mew was noticing how Gulf was glancing at him ..and when their eyes met he shifted his gaze with a blush...

The older man smirked ..walked towards Gulf and sat beside Gulf.

The young man was trying hard not to blush but having his future husband beside him...he coudn't control himself....his heart was thumping in his chest....and those tingling sensations were flying in his stomach...

(God.. the boy is so much in love)

The Future husband put his hands on Gulf's cheeks and slowly moved his face to face him..

Mew was looking at the beauty in front of him.. "Gulf .... I need to confess something.."

The cute man looked at his to be fiancé and Mew said.. " I fell in love with you the first time I saw your picture Gulf.. and I was eagerly waiting to meet you on your birthday.. but before I got the chance you fled.. I convinced your parents to protect you and so I went to you as a guide..

But my love for you increased more when I got close to you..it might be for some time but that was enough for me to decide that you will be the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with.. I can't imagine a life without you these days..

I was lost when you rejected the marriage proposal..I was completely shattered.... Mew was on the verge of tears.. when Gulf moved forward ad place a light kiss on his lips..

Jong's eyes went wide.. and then he smiled and captured those plump lips which he wanted to taste and keep them for himself the day he saw Gulf in front of him..

They shared a passionate kiss...sucking each other's tongue and separated when they need to breadth.

Gulf blushed and smiled at my future husband who was beaming in happiness.....




there goes my story.. i hope you all haven't forgotten me... and I am SORRY to update so late.... I am having some serious problems at home.. i will update only when I can.. I hope you all will wait for my upcoming stories... 

oh another thing.. I am planning to start a story about TharnType or MewGulf which ever i find to fit in.. its a werewolf mpreg.. it will be my first time to write so when i publish,, please support me like you all always do..

i love you all..hope to see you soon @Wattpad...

till then ,,


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