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taehyung sat at his desk scrolling through his computer. he smiled widely while looking at the baby clothes and toys. he badly wanted to adopt a child and made hints towards it on multiple occasions. he knew jungkook wasn't ready for a child but he was.

his cart was full with different things for babies and toddlers. jungkook noticed this but never bought it up to his boyfriend. the more taehyung mentioned kids and adopting, the more jungkook overthrew his words. he was desperately trying to flip or change taehyung's mind about having a child right now.

it's not that he didn't want a child but now wasn't the best time. they were both sorta fresh out of college and finally settling in with their new lives. they were finally at a point where they were ok and working. they had enough money for them selves and a little more.

jungkook walked up towards taehyung, wrapping his arms around taehyung. he kissed taehyung's exposed shoulder moving up with each kiss towards his cheek. taehyung giggled, leaning into jungkook.

"what'ya doing?" jungkook asked while eyeing the computer. taehyung clicked on the navy blue car seat with a huge blinding smile burned into his face. jungkook noticed this and his worries grew.

"just looking for stuff. you know mina just had her baby. hyunjin and her are going through a rough patch right now with money so i'm just trying to help out as much as i can." taehyung said while purchasing the car seat. jungkook nodded, knowing about hyunjin recently losing his job and mina not being able to work because of her maternity leave.

"oh yeah, when did she have the baby?" jungkook asked while pulling up a chair. he sat next his boyfriend while scrolling through his phone. taehyung finally stopped scrolling through the computer and scooted himself into his boyfriends lap.

"about a week ago, the babies name is yumin, a beautiful baby girl." taehyung replies, they sat there silently watching a random youtube video. taehyung's phone went off twice signaling a message. he reached over next to the mouse and picked up his phone.

i'm having a small get together for jiminie's birthday next week. i was wondering if you and jungkook were free to come?

we should be free. what time? also is your new boyfriend going to be there, we've all been dying to meet him.

i haven't really planned a time but yeah, he's coming.

ok, can't wait to meet him. i'll bring a gift for jimin.

okayy, see you then, goodnight and i love you 🖤

i love you too 🖤

jungkook peeped over taehyung's shoulder staring at the messages between the two. he was confused, seokjin has a boyfriend? he couldn't believe it. he was happy but shocked at the same time. he remembers the way seokjin cried and kept saying over and over again how he was never falling in love. how he never date someone ever again.

"when was this? when did seokjin get a boyfriend?" jungkook asked when taehyung sat his phone down. taehyung gave him a confused look before he realized that he never told jungkook about seokjin.

"about a month now i think. i thought i told you?" he said craning his neck to where he was facing his confused boyfriend. jungkook's face went from shocked and confused to proud and happy. his hyung was finally moving on from his past. he was happy for him.

"no you didn't tell me but i'm so happy for him. i can't wait to meet this mystery man." jungkook said excitedly, trying to guess through seokjin's usual type in men and put together 'the perfect boy'.

"i can't wait either, it's been a little past two months since jimin and i had to help him for their first date. they've been going strong since then." taehyung said while pushing himself out of jungkook's lap. he fixed the plaid button up shirt he was wearing so it would cover his underwear.

jungkook got up and followed his boyfriend into the kitchen. they both fixed them a small snack and stood in the kitchen finishing their conversation there.

"i haven't spoke to jin-hyung in so long. i guess he's doing good. how's yoongi-hyung and hobi-hyung?" jungkook asked looking at his boyfriend who sipped on his chocolate milk.

"oh wow, you are behind, last i heard from jimin they were taking a break. their anniversary was today though, i think they went out on a dinner date. i'm not too sure on anything else though." taehyung says while shrugging. jungkook stood wide eyed staring at his boyfriend.

"they went on break? why? i thought they were the strongest out of us all." jungkook asked with the most shocked look ever on his face. he sat down his banana milk and thought for a second. he really couldn't determine why they would break up.

"apparently yoongi's been hiding things from hoseok. hoseok was fed up and they went on break for like almost 2 months i think. they went out tonight though, for their anniversary. i'm pretty sure they're going to get back together tonight." taehyung replied before shaking his head and walking up towards his boyfriend.

he wrapped his arms around jungkook's neck and leaned his head on his shoulder. a small yawned escaped his lips as he played with jungkook's hair. "are you ready for bed?" jungkook asked while rubbing his hand up and down on taehyungs back. taehyung nodded and released the boy. they made their way to the bed room and quickly fell asleep...

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