Polar Ends 💜

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Yumi's pov

I walk inside the kitchen to see Reiji cooking. Leaning against the doorway I spoke up startling Reiji.

"That smells really good, you making bacon and eggs?" I asked smirking.
Reiji glares at me.

"You know it's rude when you sneak up on someone," Reiji said as he continued to cook.

I laugh as I grabbed my hairband that was around my wrist and tied my hair up. I grab some ingredients for some homemade cinnamon filling, feeling Reiji staring at me.

"What are you doing?" Reiji said.
I smile looking over my shoulder.

"I'm making dessert! Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. It's my favorite! I have a feeling you'll like it too," I said excitedly looking away from Reiji not noticing his flustered face.

".... She used to make those," Reiji mumbled to himself but I didn't really catch what he said.

"Pardon?" I asked Reiji.
Reiji shakes his head.

"Nothing, you may continue with what you're doing," Reiji said as he continues to cook.

I raised my eyebrow before shrugging my shoulders and continue to make the pancakes.

Reiji P.O.V

I look over at yumi. She's just so... perfect, no wonder Shu fell for her so easily, he always liked her when she was first born and so did I. I know we both swore we will protect her with our lives on the line, we care more for her than ourselves, I guess that's what love does to you...love makes you do tons of things.

I look away cooking more eggs and bacon. I will not let Shu get more of yumi attention and love, he can take our mother's attention and love but yumi's... no, this one is mine and only mine.

Chuckling I noticeyumi trying to reach for the flour from the cabinet, I walk beside her smirking.

"You can't reach the flour, Chisai," I said smirking more at the nickname I gave her.

She glares at me with a pout. So cute.
"I'm not small! You... You... You tableware-otaku!!" She said.
I tilt my head.

"Tableware-otaku? I asked
She looked offended.

"... You don't know Attack on-... never-mind, can you please give me the flour? Before your bacon burns," She said batting her eyelashes.

I blush scoffing getting the flour and handing it to her. She grins.

"Thank you, Tablewareotaku-Kun~!" She said getting back to work.

I blush more going back to cooking.
"You're welcome,... Chisai" I said.
"Shut up!!!!!"

Mini Time Skip

Yumi's P.O.V

I smile as Reiji and I finished plating everything admiring our work. I giggle happily.

"It smells so good~!" I said grinning.
Reiji chuckles nodding.

"I certainly can't wait to try your Cinnamon Roll Pancakes," Reiji said.
I smile at him, he looks at me and blushes while laughing. My eyes widened, he's laughing?! Oh my, holy shit! It's...

"W-What's so funny!" I said blushing.

"You got some flour on your cheek," Reiji said chuckling.

I tried to wipe it off causing Reiji to laugh more again.

"Ah Chisai, you made it worse," Reiji said grabbing a napkin.
He was about to wipe my cheek but he stopped and frowned.

"Sorry, um, I think you should do it since I can't touch you," Reiji said giving the napkin to me.

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