Azusa 💜

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"Ahhhhh!" Azusa groaned.

"Yumi-chan! Please make this feeling go away!" Azusa said his cheeks flushed bright red, panting for air. His eyes were hazy too,they were clouded with pleading expression. How amusing.Your face was bright red and you were also breathing in the heated air. Your expression matched his.

"I don't think I can Azu-chan." You said taking off your shawl.

"-I can't control the temperature." You said and took off Azusa's blazer. He was in his button up white dress shirt with a black tie on.

You and Azusa had come home to your new mansion and it was very hot. Your wedding was on a hot summer day, and right now was one of those heated summer nights.

"Please take it... all off yumi-chan..." he begged for you to strip him down.

Willingly, you started to untie his tie. After you undid the buttons on his shirt and slipped off his shirt leaving his chest exposed. You traced your fingers down along his chest down to his pants. Then you unbuckled his belt, and zipped his pants down, leaving him in his boxers.

"Yumi-chan you must... be hot too.. Let me... Help you.." Azusa slowly turned you around and unzipped the back of your dress. Then he slid it off.

"Ahh... yumi-chan, you still have clothes underneath..." He stated, red from the heat.

His eyes scanned your lacy clothing.
Before you could respond to him, a warm summer wind blew through your window. You felt bare, as the wind touched your skin smoothly. You blushed lightly and looked away from Azusa.

"Yumi-chan your ...cheeks are red, you must still be hot..."

"Here I'll help... you more.." Azusa continued to undress you out of your lacy clothing and once you were fully undressed you pinned him down to the bed and kissed him.

He kissed back sloppily and shoved his tongue in your mouth. His tongue explored your mouth tasting all of you. You pulled back for air and then dipped your head into his neck. Then you pierced his neck with your fangs drinking his blood.

"Ahhh! Yumi-chan!" Azusa yelled in ecstasy feeling a pleasurable pain.

"Mmmm..." You moaned at, how good he tasted.

"More! More!" He yelled. You continued to suck Azusa's blood roughly and then pulled back. Azusa's blushed madly, while his eyes looked slightly hazy.

"Soo.. good yumi-chan.." He groaned, feeling aroused.

Sweat beaded down his forehead slightly as his boxers grew a bit tight, because of his.... getting bigger.

"Please continue yumi-chan!" Azusa panted.

"Of course my husband.~" You said, your voice laced in lust. You lowered your face to down under his collar bone and bit down, drinking more blood from him.

You sucked erotically enjoying the taste of his blood. Azusa continued to moan loudly, causing you to feel a bit turned on.

You retracted your fangs from his blood and lapped up the blood that flowed out. The blood spread across his chest and you licked it all across. Azusa was sticky and red with his blood mixed with your saliva. You looked up at Azusa and he was panting with a bit of saliva dripping from the side of his mouth. His expression was very lewd and it made you wanna 'do more.'

"Azu-chan, you're still hot aren't you?" You asked, pulling down the wasit band of his boxers.

"Yes... I am yumi-chan...please...undress me." he said.

"Alright, whatever you say~." Then you slowly pulled off the rest of Azusa's clothes leaving you both naked on the bed

Suddenly Azusa and you switched places, you were under him while he was on top. You looked at his face your cheeks bright red from heat and blush. You stared into his eyes which were clouded with love and lust.

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