Laito 💜

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Laito spun you around, you were both dancing in your new mansion. Today also just so happened to be your wedding.

Remember that cursed ring Laito put on you? That really was your wedding ring...

"Ahh~ My Waifu~ now that we're married we can have a great big happy family!~" As you were dancing Laito dipped you down and kissed your lips. He pulled back and touched your wedding dress.

"You look beautiful in your wedding dress, but I think you'd look better with it off.~" You blushed brightly.

"Laito we didn't even eat the cake yet." You stated. Cake. You should never forget the cake?

"Eh?~ Okay Let's go eat the cake then." Laito and you stopped dancing and went into the kitchen. A large 3 tier cake was there untouched. This cake also was (Favorite/flavor) cake. Lucky you.

You cut two slices of cake for you and Laito, you picked up the fork to feed yourself when Laito stuffed his fork into your mouth.

"Let's feed each other~" Laito said. You nodded while chewing. You cut a piece and fed Laito, he ate the cake slowly but kept his eyes on you.

"Is there something on my face?" You asked, looking at him questioningly.

"Yeah there's a bit of cake on your face."

Laito leaned in and licked your cheek. Instead of pulling back, he moved his mouth to your mouth. He kissed you on the lips and you kissed back. Laito opened his mouth slightly and licked the bottom of your lip asking for permission. You playfully declined. Then one of his hands came up to your chest and he squeezed it. You gasped in surprise and he slipped his tongue in. He swirled his tongue around yours and moaned out.

"Ngh...yumi-chan." Laito continued to explore your mouth, but then he pulled back. A string of saliva was hanging between your mouths. You wiped the saliva off your lips and blushed.

"The cake taste great! But it tasted better off your tongue though...~" Laito leaned in, his hands fiddling with the hem of your dress.

"Wait Laito We can't do it here!" You exclaimed.

Laito smirked, " Huh?~ Do what here?~" He asked. You didn't respond, but your cheeks were bright red.

'Like he didn't know..'

"Ah~ I see what you were getting at!~ You want it don't you?~ I guess it can't be helped, I'll have to tend to my Wife's needs~." Laito grabbed you and teleported to your new room.

He pinned you down to the bed and kissed you. He pulled back and moved his head down to your neck. Laito grazed his fangs against your skin making you shiver. He then bit down sucking your blood, making erotic sucking noises. He retracted his fangs from your neck and sucked roughly. Then he slyly took off your dress revealing your lingerie.

"Aw~ My Waifu dressed up for me~" He said his hands touching your butt. Then suddenly you pinned him down and got on top of him sitting on his waist. You rubbed yourself against him, teasing him. He let out a low groan. You leaned your face into his neck and pierced his skin with your fangs.
You sucker his blood loudly, so he could hear the sounds.

"Ahh~" Laito groaned, his cheeks slightly tainted red. You pulled out your fangs and and lapped up the remaining blood. Then you moved your mouth to the other side of his neck spread butterfly kisses around until you found his sweet spot. You sucked and abused the spot, nibbling on his skin.

"Ahh! Yumi-chan!~" You sucked and abused the spot repeatedly, then pulled back revealing a love bite. Laito then took charge and flipped you over so that you were under him.

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