First Love 💜

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Yumi's Pov

I woke up and looked at the time. I've slept for four hours. I walked outside into the kitchen and drank some water. After that I was returning to my room going up the stairs when Kou entered through the front door soaked.

"Ah~ C Neko-chan, Were you waiting for me?"

My mind went blank, "I didn't even know you left." I replied continuing up the stairs.

"Eh!? How mean!" Kou pouted. I ignored him and kept going,

"Wait! C Neko-chan, come with me to my room, he teleported behind me. Since he was still soaked,he slipped a little but I grabbed him before he could fall.

"Thank you C Neko-chan! I knew you cared about me!~" He hugged me, soaking my clothes.

"You got me wet!"

"I'm sorry C Neko-chan! But c'mon to my room already!" Kou took my hand and dragged me to his room.

Kou Took off his pink vest and threw it to the chair.

" C-Neko-chan help me with the buttons! I'm not good with them!" He complained.

"Um...sure." I went over and bent down to unbutton them. When I finished he turned around and threw his shirt on the chair. I looked at his back and saw the scars, from when he was whipped in my vision-dream thing I had.

He turned his head around, but back still facing me. He Looked at me, "You look pained C Neko-chan, why?" I didn't say anything, I just over my hand to his scars touching them gently, tracing them with my fingers.

"Oh... Those!"
"Would you like to how I got them?!" He said cheerfully.

"Let me tell you a Fairytale about a boy who was alone since birth...

"Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in the filthy sewers for as long as he could remember. For never seeing the outside world there was one thing he desired the most. That was to-"

"See the sky..." I cut him off.

I continued, "Then suddenly the boy was able to get out, His heart was filled with hope for the New world... But the boy was taken somewhere...Somewhere other children with no place to go were sent."

"How do you know this?!" Kou asked angry and confused.

"You told me." I said.
"In the sewers when you were young..." I replied.

" were the girl?" He asked. I nodded. My life is so messed up. I never knew lived my first life as a maid, then was reincarnated into who I am today. Weird.


Kou giggled. "Who knew Eve would be the first friend I made in my whole life!" Kou smiled pulling me down on the bed and hugged me.

"Hey wait! I'm still wet! Remember you wet me?" I said climbing out of his grasp.

"Oh right."

"Let me undress you C Neko-chan!" He came over and I stopped him, with my hand.

"No thanks, You're no good with buttons anyway."He pouted.

"Fine." He got up and went over to his closet and threw me a white shirt. I caught it.

"What? No bottom?" I asked, since my shorts were wet too.

Kou blushed lightly, " Don't make fun of me." He said and threw me a pair of pink boxers.

"Not even gonna ask." I said and walked into the bathroom to change.


I came out and Kou looked at me. He came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

" I like it when you wear my clothes yumi-chan, my scent is all over you~" He dropped my weird nickname.

"Well I wouldn't mind wearing your clothes Kou-kun, since I have no other clothes." Ruki just constantly washed my same pair of clothes, so I wore them everyday.

"Hehe~ I'd love to share my clothes with you!" He said happily.

"Kay thanks, I'm going now." I walked towards the door but he grabbed my hand.

" Sleep with me tonight C Neko-chan!" He pulled me down on the bed not giving me a choice. Does this guy always pretend to be so cheerful, I mean he's so different from when I first met him.

"At least get under the blankets." I remarked.

"Oh yeah!" He got up to turn the light off and I slid under the blankets. I turned away facing the opposite of him, and fell asleep.

~~~~~ Some time in the middle of the night ~~~~~~

"STOP! Please... PLEASE STOP!" Kou yelled in his sleep. I awoke instantly. I Turned to him. He was sweating a bit and was gripping the sheets tightly.

I hugged Kou from behind and took his hand.

"Shhh...I'm gonna save you...everything's okay." I whispered. He squeezed my hand like he knew what I meant. He quieted down and slept more soundly.

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