Burned To Death 💜

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Yumi's Pov

Oi Shu! Let go of me!" I said. I was in the garden looking at flowers trying to clear my mind. Yui would always do this to clear her mind so I thought I'd do it too.

His grip grew tighter then he pulled me into his lap " You know you were right about me being a traitor, I should've gone after you, but it just seemed like so much trouble to go through.."

"I'm going to make it up to you." Shu moved his hands to the pink shirt I was wearing, I put my hands over his,
"Don't rip off my shirt."

"-it's new."

"Huh how troublesome." He lifted me up so that stomach was in front of his face, and my legs were spread apart on his lap, with my knees on either side of him. He lifted the shirt up and over my head.

"Hey! You know we're outside! It's freezing!" I yelled covering myself, then a gust of wind flew by. I shivered and reached back down to my shirt, but Shu stopped me.

He pinned me down against the cement frame of the patch of flowers.

"Huh? You're cold, how troubling it seems I'll have to warm you up." Shu climbed over me straddling my hips.

He moved his head down to my chest. One of his hands went over my bra, and he squeezed me. I held back from making any noise.

" You think I'm going to do it to you out here in the open? How lewd."

"What the hell?! I never said that!" I Said blushing red. He leaned close to my face,

"What a nice color, red has always suited you well." I felt his hot breath against my cold skin.


Shu laid on top of me, hugging me close and buried his face on my chest.

"Oi! What do you think you're do-"

"I really missed you..." He mumbled.

Within a blink of an eye, Shu teleported me to my room. I laid on the bed with Shu still on top of me.

"You still seem cold, seems I still have to warm you up." I ignored him and looked around the room wondering if my gray shirt was left outside. That is until I saw it was teleported with us, it's on the floor.

Shu sat up on my waist and lazily took of his shirt. My eyes grazed over his pale muscular chest, that was lit up by the moonlight that shined through the balcony slide door. Then I realized, Shu might be going to far! I'm 16 I'm not ready to make babies!!! How old is Shu again? Like 19?

"Woahh! What are you doing?"

"I said it before, you're cold I'm going to warm you up."

"No it's o-okay S-Shu." I said trying to get out from under him. Then suddenly Shu collapsed on top of me.

"Huh?! Shu are you oka-" I heard light snores coming from Shu. Oh he just fell asleep.

I stared him sleep, did he really just suddenly fall asleep? My eyes then moved to his earbuds
Shu listens to classical music right? Maybe if I listen too I could fall asleep easily. I took one of Shu's earbuds out and put in my other ear.

"Ahh! Yes! Harder! Faster!" I heard from the earbud. I quickly took out the earbud and put it back on Shu.

"Is that why he was horny?" I asked myself quietly.

"You know what, I'm not gonna care, just gonna sleep."


I looked around and saw that apple tree had wilted. "Aww what?"

"Eve. You will have to choose soon." I heard a deep voice.

"Choose what?"

"Choose Adam." He said. I assumed I had to choose one of the Mukami or Sakamaki. I don't know who to choose...

*SOUNDS OF LOUD WIND* I turned around and saw the wither tree slower disappearing into nothing and once it was all gone, everything went to black

~~~~ Back to the Regular World~~~~

I woke up and saw Kanato smiling down at me.

" Hello
Yumi-chan I see that you're awake."

"Hello Kanato-san." I replied yawning a bit.

"Can you play with me yumi-chan??"

"Sure." I replied getting up. I realized I was still in my bra. Well then... this is awkward.

" Hold on I need to change."

"Ok I'm done." I turned around and realized he watched me change. (O)_(O)

He giggled, " Now let's go play now." Kanato grabbed my hand gently and led me to the living room. We were standing in front of the fireplace which had a fire burning it it.

"You see this paper yumi-chan?" He said holding a paper, there was a heart drawn on it. Inside the heart was my initials plus his.

"Yes, I see the paper."

"DO you know what happened when you left?!!" He shouted. I didn't reply, but was cautious. Well looks like. Will be facing one of his tantrums today Rest In Peace to me me...

"THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED!!!" Kanato ripped up the paper and threw it in the fire.

"You ripped AND BURNED MY HEART YUMI-CHAN!!!" I was ready to run out he door, when Kanato suddenly pushed me on the couch. He put Teddy on a shelf over the fireplace.
He pinned me down to the couch inching his face close to mine.

"You can fix it, right yumi-chan? You can fix my heart. You broke it so you have to take responsibility." He smiled insanely, holding back giggles.

He's really mad about me leaving...

"Yes Kanato-kun I can fix it." I dropped the honorific on his name.
Nervously I leaned my head down to where his heart should be and kissed it lightly. Kissing children's boo-boos made them feel better, I mean Kanato's not exactly a kid but he acts like one.

"What are you doing yumi-chan???" Kanato looked confused.

"I'm healing your heart." I replied and hugged him gently. Kanato calmed down and hugged back, his eyes were closing slightly, he was ready to fall asleep until someone had opened the door,

"Yumi-chan!" Azusa shouted walking in covered in bruises and cuts, with blood oozing out of them.


"No...Kanato-san...yumi-chan is mine..." Azusa slowly walked towards me, but then Kanato launched himself angrily at Azusa.

Kanato was on top of Azusa one of his hands tight on Azusa's collar and the other hand was held up high in fist ready to punch him. Azusa blocked his face with his arms.

"No! I must get Eve!"

"Kanato stop!" I wrapped my arms around his chest outing him back.


'Our future together?' Azusa suddenly gained more strength and pushed Kanato off of him, with Kanato landing on me.

"Oomph..Kanato." I said my voice muffled into his back.

Azusa got up and picked up Teddy. Kanato froze, his eyes wide open.

"No... What are you do-"

"Sorry... Kanato-San.." Azusa threw Teddy in the fire. Kanato rushed up to the fireplace dropping on his knees.

"NOO!! TEDDY!!" Kanato yelled gripping his hair tightly as tears ran down his eyes.

"Let's go." Azusa grabbed me and teleported to the Mukami Mansion.


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