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{Lucy POV}

My eyes were wide. My hands froze in shock. The tip of his nose dug into my face, but it was gentle. My thoughts were turning into mush. When he pulled away, he smiled at my blushing face.

"It's you."


"My weakness is you." 

My face burned a brighter red. "W-What's that supposed to mean?"

He gently smiled and rubbed the tip of his thumb against my bottom lip. I backed away from his touch.

"Well, I don't know how to explain it, but like I get REALLY angry when you get hurt, or when you cry. Yeah, it's the same for the others, but, like, if it's YOU then I can't control myself." He said, sighing. "And then I wanted to kiss you real bad just now so I did."

I blushed madly. "Th-That's stupid..."

"That's why." He leaned in, and we were centimeters apart. "Don't be looking so sad and depressed. It hurts ME."

I blinked quickly before pushing his chest. "Y-You're too close..."

"So, are you cheered up now?"

"I'm just confused now. I need time to think..."

"C'mon, still?" I flinched and turned around.

"Hello, Lucy-san!"

"Not all of us can fit here. Get in."

Gray, Wendy, Erza, Carla, and Happy all came in. Surprised, I moved out of the way. "Y-You guys!"

"Oh! You're here." Natsu said. "I knew I smelled you guys!"

Happy and Carla sat on the table, Wendy sat on the floor, Gray and Erza sat on the bed, and I just stood there in shock.

"H-Hold on, since when were you guys...?"

"Damn, Natsu, I didn't know you knew how to kiss." Gray said, smirking. I blushed, and looked away.

"Your words were quite inspiring." Erza commented. I crouched down and covered my face in embarrassment.

"What about the guild?" Natsu asked.

"They said to check up on you guys." Happy said. "Said they could handle it."


"Anyways, back to the point." I lifted my head, looking at Erza.

"The point?"

"Lucy, I didn't expect you to be this dumb." Erza commented, shaking her head.

"H-Hey! Where'd that come from?"

"He just kissed you and said that you were his weakness! Isn't it obvious?" Gray said. "Natsu was confessing to you!"

"I was?" Natsu asked, scratching his chin.



"How can you not know, Natsu-san?" Wendy asked, smiling nervously. "They're your own feelings..."

"Idiot..." Erza said, shaking her head. "Anyways, why did you kiss her? Why do you think you feel that way? It's cause you're in love with Lucy!"


"Oh, I see."

"Don't 'I see' me!" I said. "Y-You guys are jumping to conclusions!"

"Dang, Lucy. You're dumb. How can you not tell that I liked you?"

I gritted my teeth. "If you guys aren't going to help, get out!"

"Ok, ok, geez!" They laughed. I was a blushing mess.

"I need to leave anyway." I said, wiping my tears. "Need to go for some gloves."

"We can go with- !"

"No, it's ok." I said, standing up. "I can go alone. Let's meet at the guild, ok?"


(Time skip)

I was on my way home. Because I lost my gloves, I had to buy a new pair. I took a bit longer, going on walks and looking up at the sky.

When I opened my door, I walked in, and closed it behind me. My wounds stung, making me flinch.

"I should put on ointment again..."


I flinched, and looked up. Natsu was looking at me, a cake in his hands...

A cake?

"What are you...Why are you...? I thought you went to the guild."

"Well, the others left a few minutes ago. Wendy, Carla, and Erza made this cake to help make you feel better..." He held it up. "They told me to give it to you."

I looked at the cake. It was topped with strawberries, and the cream was smoothly spread onto the bread.

"They...made this? Suddenly? Why?"

"Yeah. I tried to help but they said not to, so I just sat with Gray." Natsu said, pouting.

"But..." I stared, dumbfounded.

"You hafta eat some." He said, pulling my gloved hand. "Cmon!"

Before I knew it, I was sitting across Natsu, the cake in front of me.

"Go on, try it."

I hesitantly looked up at him, before taking a piece. I put it in my mouth.

"This is..."

"It's good, isn't it?"

"It tastes...surprisingly good..." I said, as I swallowed.

I set my fork down. "Hey, Natsu?"


"Are they...are they ok?"

"Hm? Who?"


"Oh, yeah, they're okay. They went to help with the guild."

"That's not what I mean...They didn't seem, you know, worried, right? Or upset that the guild was trashed?"

"They understand. They're not upset, or angry."  Natsu said, wrapping his hand around mine. "Don't worry."

I pulled my hand away. "Don't...Don't do that..."

"Do what?"

"You weren't actually serious about..liking ME, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you...kiss me because you liked me?" I asked.

"Of course! I don't think friends touch lips like that."

I blushed, looking away. He smiled and leaned back in his chair.

I was relieved he didn't ask me out--

"Wanna go on a date this weekend?"

Note to self: Never. EVER. Jinx yourself like that again.

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