{Lucy POV}
My eyes were closed.
Is this really how I'm going to die?
Suddenly, something wrapped around my waist, and pulled me.
That must be the souls, bringing me in...
Air filled my lungs. The cold air slapped my face.
I'm...at the surface?
I opened my eyes, looking around. The bright sun shined in my face.
"Don't...Don't do that ever again..."
I looked at the person who pulled me out of the water. A small gasp escaped my lips.
Natsu was shivering like crazy, and tears were falling down his face.
"Don't ever do that again! Do you hear me?!" He yelled suddenly, making me flinch slightly. His voice echoed in the suddenly quiet forest. He started to cry. He pulled me into a hug and firmly pressed me against his chest. "I can't...I don't want to lose you...!"
Tears streamed down my shocked face. We were shivering, barely at the surface, embracing each other like we would die if we didn't.
I didn't even stop to think about him.
I hugged him.
"I'm sorry, Natsu...I'm so sorry..."
He cried into my shoulder, and I cried silently with him. He sounded like a child who had lost his mother. We were both shivering, but at the moment, I didn't care. I was alive. I was with Natsu. That was all that mattered.
"Don't die...I love you..."
I blushed, but firmly held him. "Me too...I love you too..."
After he stopped crying, we climbed out of the river.
"You're not...You're not hurt anywhere, right?" He asked, worriedly looking.
"I'm fine, I'm fine..." I said. His styled hair was all wet and all over his face.
"Let's go, you might catch a cold." He said. He lit his hand and held it in front of us to warm up.
We walked in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. My clothes were starting get damp.
"I'm...I'm really sorry, Natsu..." I said, rubbing my arms. "That was really dumb of me..."
He wrapped his arm around me. "To be honest, I'm kind of mad you did that. You should've talked with us first."
"You have every right to be mad..." I said.
"But I'm happier that you're alive, and that you're okay." He said, kissing my head. "Just...Just promise me you won't do that ever again."
I didn't say anything.
"Promise me." He said, firmly. "I don't want to lose..I already lost Igneel, and you're the most precious person in the world, to me."
(Like all of my stories, this one also has a weird time stamp.)
He stopped and turned me so that we faced each other. "Don't do that, ever again."
I stared into his eyes, before nodding. "I'll never do it again."
He smiled, before leaning in.
We kissed. My thoughts turned to mush again, and my eyes were closed. The warmth on his lips seemed to melt the coldness in me.
When he pulled away, he smiled, and continued to walk. My face was bright red.
"Are you a bit warmer now?"
"Y-Yeah...Are you?"
"I'm fine."
We walked to my apartment, and showered separately.
"Go to sleep." Natsu said, after I dried my hair. "Just go to sleep, and forget everything that happened today."
He helped me into bed, and climbed in with me. I fell asleep, curled up against his chest. I think he fell asleep as well, but I wasn't sure.
I just knew I was glad to be alive.
(Time skip)
When I woke up, Natsu was still by me, playing with my hair.
"Oh, you're awake?"
I nodded, tiredly.
"What time is it?"
"We slept for an entire day. You must've been really tired."
I frowned. I already wasted a year of my life, and now I jut wasted another day.
"Don't worry, though. Look, everyone's here."
I flinched up, and sure enough, my entire house was filled with people.
Fairy Tail.
My eyes were wide.
"Don't worry, I let them in." I saw my landlady.
"L-Landlady...!" The sudden thought of how much rent I would have to pay was starting to overwhelm my mind.
"Don't you worry about rent. We already payed it for you!" Levy said, winking. Surprised, I blinked.
"We thought you wouldn't want to lose your house and stuff, so we just took care of it in case you returned." Carla said.
I felt like crying.
"You guys..."
"Your friends payed for it every month you were gone." My landlady said. "Thank them with some food or somethin'."
She left. My hair was a mess, and Natsu sat up. He smiled, before grabbing my hand.
"You heard her, right? Let's go eat! We haven't eaten in over a year!"
I knew what he meant, but I couldn't help but look at him as if he was stupid.
"Fine..." I said. He held my hand, and practically everyone cheered and yelled.
I blushed. I looked at him, but he just smiled.
"They know already." He said, kissing my forehead. "We don't have to hide."
I blushed even brighter as everyone started to "Ooooh".
"S-Stop it.." I said, as Natsu pulled me out of the bed.
"We'll be outside so just take your time getting ready, okay?"
I nodded. Everyone left and I got ready to leave, no thoughts or worries coming to mind. Well, that was new.
I locked my door and went downstairs. Everyone was waiting for me. Natsu grabbed my hand and kissed my forehead.
"Let's go!"