{Lucy POV}When I came to, I was chained up against a wall. It was cold.
I was in a dark room...
No, a cell.
Blocking the cell's entrance was a large, horizontal gate. I tried to pull my wrist, but it must've been made out of Sealstone.
I was still pretty drowsy, but the cold helped wake me up much faster. I looked around, and spotted a heap on the floor.
I gasped. "Natsu!"
He groaned, moving. Then he opened his eyes, looking around. He had chains around his wrist as well, except his were attached to the floor.
(If you watched the first Frozen movie, imagine the chains that held Elsa down, except they wrap around the wrist, and made out of Sealstone.)
"What the--"
"Natsu!" He looked up, and saw me.
He stood up, but stopped because of the bonds. "Dammit, where are we?"
"Can you smell anything?"
He sniffed around. "No...They must've sprayed something here. I can't smell ANYTHING!"
His voice echoed. I looked around.
I flinched.
"Who's there?" I asked.
Something wrapped around my wrist and snapped the cuffs in my hand. I fell to the floor, rubbing my wrists. Then I realized my gloves were gone.
"I just bought that pair too.." I said, covering my hand. Then I ran over to Natsu.
"Hey, you ok?" He asked. I nodded, before looking around. "What WAS that?"
"I'm not sure." He said. "Any way to release me?"
I looked at the cuffs, before snapping. "Got it."
I reached for my keys, and took out Cancer's. "Open, gate of the Crab: Cancer."
He popped up. "Ebbie."
"Cancer, you can pick locks, right?"
"Yes, ebbie."
"Can you pick the lock to the cuffs here?" I asked, showing him the lock. He nodded.
"Piece of cake."
Natsu rubbed his wrists. "Thanks, Crab."
"Ebbie." He disappeared, and we looked around. We were still in the same clothes as...how long were we in here?
"I think we were only in here for a day." Natsu said. "We're not dirty, or anything."
"That's good." I said, nodding. "But who brought us here? Where are we? What happened?"
"First, let's get outta here."
Before Natsu could even light his hands up, the entire gate froze and snapped.
I flinched back. Natsu covered his face with his arms.
"What the--"
I was tackled down by a heavy mass. Natsu fell back as well.
"Ow! What the hell--Happy?"
I looked to see Levy wrapped around my waist. She was crying.
"What-What are you guys doing here?" I asked, helping her up.