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This might be a short chapter :)

{Lucy POV}

I looked up at him.

"What...do you mean?"

"You're smiling much more than usual. Your tone of voice is completely different than when you're REALLY okay. You seem distracted most of the time."

Surprised, I set my fork down.

"Since when did you get so...observant?"

Natsu stopped eating, setting his utensil down as well. "That's not the point. You're not okay."

"I'm trying. Smiling more often is helping." I said, looking away. "Look, I'm trying to make myself feel better. I don't want to worry anyone anymore. And I'm not doing it only for YOU guys, I'm tryna do it for myself, ok?"

He reached over and tapped the table in front of me. I looked up at him.

"I won't tell anyone, but you have to promise me that you'll come to us when you want to talk or cry. Sometimes crying can be effective."

I smiled gratefully, but it faded away. "Thanks, but..." I looked at him, smiling again. "I'll figure it out on my own."

The rest of breakfast was quiet. Natsu waited until I finished, and we left together.

While we walked, Natsu put his arm around my shoulders. I flinched, and looked at him, confused. He didn't look my way.

"Should we go on a job today?" He asked. "Or wanna go on an S-Class one with Erza?"

"S-Class?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's S-Class, we can just go with her." Natsu said, smiling my way.

I see what you're trying to do, Natsu...

I moved away from his touch.

"Natsu, I don't need it." I said, looking away. "I'm fine, really."

I could feel his gaze on me. I looked back at him. We stared at each other for a bit.

"You sure?"

"I'm okay." I said.

"You said the same thing when your dad passed away. I heard you cry."

I flinched. "That was...a while ago."

I sighed, rubbing my gloves. "Let's just...talk about something else, ok?"

"Tch..." Natsu walked on, his head rested on his hands. "Fine."

I continued to walk in silence, a bit behind Natsu. He didn't talk to me once. When we arrived at the guild, he opened the door for me and walked in.

"Good morning!" Everyone said. I plastered my fake smile and waved.

"Oh, look." I heard Gray say. "It's Flame Freak."

"What'd you say, Frosty?"

"What did you call me?"

And that's how the fight started. As I tried to avoid the fighting, I saw Wendy wave. I waved back and sat next to her. She was sitting with Carla, and was eating a small pastry.

"Good morning, Lucy-san!"

"Good morning!" I said, smiling.

"Is it looking a bit better?" Wendy asked, looking at my hand. I sadly smiled and shook my head, looking at my covered hand.


She sadly looked away. "I'm sorry, Lucy-san. It's because of my lack of healing abilities..."

"Oh, don't say that!" I said, comfortingly patting her. "It's not your fault. You're not at fault at all, okay?"

She looked at me, and nodded. I smiled, but then sighed.

"I guess I'm the most at fault for this..." I said, resting my chin in my hands.

"How, Lucy-san?"

"I guess I wasn't strong enough to do anything." I said. Then I smiled. "But I'm working on it! I'll get stronger eventually..."

Wendy smiled. "Hai! You can do it, Lucy-san!"

"Thanks..." I said, looking at the request board. Nab was just standing around, looking at all the fliers, just like always.

I noticed how annoyed Natsu looked this morning...Did everyone find me annoying?

I guess. I was just moping, calling myself weak, not smiling. They kept encouraging me, but I was just bringing myself down. I can understand.

That thought ruined my entire mood. I stood up.

"...Tell the others that I went on a job, okay?" I requested.

"On your own, Lucy-san?" Wendy asked. "Should I go with you?"

"No, no! I'll be okay." I reassured. "Thanks."

I walked over to the request board and took a flier.

Please help us dig wells!

I can call Virgo for that...It will be easy.

"Mira-san! I'll take this job!" I walked over to her and she nodded.

"Alright! Good luck!"

I waved, walking out of the door. No one noticed me slip out.

(Time skip)

Virgo made my job a lot easier. Everyone thanked me for my help, and I received the reward.

"Thanks, Virgo." I said, looking at her key. I put it back in pouch, and walked peacefully towards the train station.

I bought my ticket and waited for the train. As I sat at a nearby bench, I yawned.

"I should sleep on the train..." I said, leaning against the wall behind me. My eyes closed, and soon, everything went black.

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