Chapter 3 (Updated)

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As soon as the portal finishes swallowing me, I find myself twirling around in a purple and green mass of energy screaming my head off, before I quiet down when my attention starts focusing on the mass of energy.

"Dude this is so trippy." I mutter looking around.

With an awed look, I run my hand over the energy around me, only to giggle when it sends tingles though my body. Finally after Primus knows how long, I black out for about 5 seconds before I land on something hard with a yelp.

"SON OF A BITCH!" I snarl in pain, as my vision comes back to me.

Looking around I find that I am sitting in the middle of absolutely NO WHERE.

"Well fuck shit Batman." I mutter to myself while rubbing my sore rear, the falling did not help with the soreness in my body AT ALL.

Standing, I look around once more before I start cussing so much I'm sure Ratchet would blush. Pissed and annoyed I kick a random rock across the blank desert, before my attention lands on my Soundwave jacket.

"Well at least I have a jacket." I mutter into the cool night as I try to wrap my mind around everything that has happened in a period of what I would guess is an hour.

Snatching the jacket up I put it on, at least if it gets colder I'll be able to keep semi warm.

"There is no way I'm going to be able to hitch hike, there's absolutely NO ONE around this hell hole." I shout looking around. Nothing but dirt, rocks, canyons, and tumble-weeds.

About that time I hear a howl.

"I'm dead."

With a yelp I run to the nearest big rock and try to monkey climb up, once situated on the rock I sway side to side as I sit.

"Of all the fucking places you send me, you send me in the middle of absolute NO WHERE!" I snarl looking at the Allspark pendant that SHOULD be fake.

I look down at my clothing, before I make a 'tsk' sound at my t-shirt and boxers. Sitting on my rock something catches my attention in the area I landed.

"Is that.....HOLY SHIT!" I jump up and climb down the rock before running over to where I landed.

With the biggest shit-eating grin I've ever had on my face I pick up my Master Piece Sideswipe. Once the toy is in my grasp I do a happy dance, before I howl scared me back to the rock. Maybe an hour or so later, I'm chattering and shaking like mad because of the cold. Snuggling up against my jacket and Sideswipe, I try to keep warm, before I jolt up when I hear a car engine, a powerful one at that.

"I can belief I'm actually gonna say this but....YAY PEOPLE!" I scream jumping from the rock with a grunt.

"WAIT!" I scream as the car passes.

Abruptly the car stops, and I let out a whoop, running up to the passage side, something catches my attention....A Decepticon symbol. I freeze and my eyes widen before I slowly back up.

"Don't make any sudden movements, maybe he'll forget I'm here....OH FUCK IT! HELP DECEPTICON!" I yell before taking off like a mad woman, all while clutching my Sideswipe to my chest as if it'll save me, adrenaline beginning to pump through me as my heart pounded in my ears.

Looking back I see the car beginning to back up before it quickly spins around and begins to chase me.

"SonofaglitchSonfaglitchSonofaglitch!" I scream.


"YOU CRAZY!" I in the accent that Skids and Mudflap speak in.

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