Chapter 8 (Updated)

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After a week had passed, everything was relatively calm. I spent a large majority of my time talking with Soundwave and Breakdown, whom were by far the funniest mechs on base. When I wasn't with them, I was with Sideswipe. He and I were in a way close, he was still distant, but when I was distressed he was always there to calm me. I found to like being more in his presence more than the others', only because I could show my true self to him and not fear of being judged. Even though I know the others could never judge me, I still had insecurity about showing my real personality and emotions. Plus there was just something about being in his presence that made me feel at ease, I found myself naturally drawn to him. The longer I stayed with him, the stronger it got.

On one particular day, I managed to have a chance to get to know Starscream. Whom of which surprisingly isn't the complete opposite of himself, he just lacks the whole I'm the SUPREME leader, and being egotistic. I found myself spending time with him when the others were busy or on missions. I learned everything I could about Starscream by just observing at first. His personality was like a mix of the main dimension Skyfire and Ratchet weirdly enough, he was calm and gentle, but when provoked, annoyed and/or pissed, he has no problems with shouting at you with curses along with chunking things at the culprit, amusingly enough.

Since I started talking with him, I've begin to get a fatherly vibe off of him. I wasn't sure at first how to get used to that, but after a while I began to see him as one might see a father. I didn't call him dad or anything, but I began to look up to him and admire him slightly. Surprisingly I think he takes to me like a creator to a sparkling, or maybe a teacher to a student, either of them are something that overjoys me greatly. In the week I began to talk to him and get to know him, he has taken me flying, and showed me many things in his lab such as Cybertronian Scientifics, engineering, etc. So while I'm enjoying the fatherly vibe he gives off while speaking with him, I'm also learning things about Cybertronains that I never knew before.

Which is awesome might I add.

Starscream though is the only mech I've gotten to know other than Soundwave, Breakdown, and Sideswipe. I attempted to get to know Megatron more but he was busy and never had time, but I could tell he wanted to have a chance to talk to me as well, which was enough for me.


Looking towards my guardian from where I sat on a large bench, I send him a questioning look.

"Yes?" I question.

"Do you wish to go to the city? You have been cooped up in here for a week and I'm sure it's unhealthy for you not to get the appropriate amount of sunlight and fresh air." He says glancing at me with his crimson optics.

I grin widely and nod eagerly.

"Hell yeah!" I whoop.

He nods silently, before transforming. Once transformed, he pops open the passage door, and I immediately get in. One comfortable he slides the seat belt over me before clicking it into place, then with a rev of his engine leave the Nemesis.

After driving for Primus knows how long, we make it into a city, one of which I have never in my life have heard of. That probably has something to do with the fact I'm in a world that is a comic. As I look out the window, Sideswipe comes to a stop in front of a comic/music/entertainment store.

"What are we doing here?" I question curiously with slight excitement.

"Figured since you will be spending a lot of time being cooped up, you might want to get some means of entertainment." He says simply

I shrug.

"Sounds good to me, besides if I get too bored I could always chat with Soundwave, Breakdown, or Starscream. I think Screamer was wanting to show me more Cybertronian engineering, and medical stuff." I say as Sideswipe pops open the door.

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