Part 1: Breaking the Ice

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A/N: ok so this is a modern au that takes place in the present time, but without corona and all that stuff. you're like 2 months older than Sokka and you grew up with him, and you decided to join when they left with the avatar. The gaang lives in one of those huge houses in Ba Sing Se, (yes even Zuko just don't think too hard about that), and you and Sokka aren't dating yet. Suki broke up with Sokka because she met someone new on Kyoshi island, now you kinda hate her......sorry suki stans......only because she hurt Sokka.

ok, on with the story.


You hated seeing him like this.

Sokka has been your best friend since you were little, living in the Southern Water Tribe. You two were never separate, always together. You would have snowball fights all the time, you watched him train the "warriors", you made fun of him for training toddlers, and you would even go penguin sledding sometimes. 

And now he wouldn't even look at you.

It wasn't just you though, he had been pretty distant from everyone. It had been almost a month since Suki left, and he was still hurting. He would only come out of his room to get food, and he wasn't eating nearly enough. His constant jokes became rare. You missed his smile. Out of the gaang, you had known him for the longest, and you knew that he didn't like talking too much about his feelings. you thought it would be best to give him some space, and he would eventually feel better. But now you were rethinking. One month of "space" was starting to seem more like one month of "alone", so you decided you would talk to him, whether he wanted to or not. 

Katara had just finished cooking dinner, so you headed to the kitchen to get some. you were all seated at the dining table, talking about random things. you were sitting in silence, however, thinking about what you should say to Sokka. How do you approach this? Sokka and Katara were the only kids you ever talked to growing up, you didn't really know how to handle these kinds of things...let's see. you should bring him a plate of dinner. yeah. then you could-


"What?!" you looked up from your plate to see everyone looking at you. 

"I called your name three times! What are you thinking about?" Aang asked from across the table.

"Umm..." you took a deep breath, then continued, "I'm gonna talk to Sokka today." 

"Oh." Aang replied.  

"yeah...I don't really know what to say to him, but I want to help," you said, not to anyone in particular.

" I thought you said you wanted to give him space?" Toph asked me with a mouthful of noodles, earning a sigh from Katara.

"Toph, don't talk with your mouth full, and I think he's had enough space already," Katara said.

"Exactly. I wanted to give him some time alone, but too much time alone can't be good." I said to her.

"Just ask him what's wrong, to get the ball rolling," Zuko said. you found it a little funny that the Firelord was eating homemade noodles with you in Ba Sing Se, but you enjoy his company.

"he's not gonna want to talk about it though, he doesn't like that," you told him.

"Just keep pushing it out of him, eventually he'll talk," Katara said as she grabbed everyone's plates to go put in the sink. 

"Alright, well I guess I should go do that now," you said to her, getting up from your chair. Toph laughed and wished you good luck, and you knew you were gonna need it. 

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