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Y/n's POV

I quickly pulled away from Gal and wiped my lips.

"Are you insane? Why can't you just accept that everything is over between us?" I asked her, incredibly mad at what she did.

"I want you back y/n... I should have not told Katie to acknowledge her feelings for you. I t-thought I can let you go but I love you so much. Please, I need you." She begged.

"You're pregnant with Tom's child Gal. It's time for you to think of your child. I've moved on with Katie already, and I'm happy with her. If you really love me, learn to let go and accept that fact that it's over."

With that, I left Gal in the kitchen to work on my chores.


Peter's POV

I quickly ran next to Katie to apply pressure on her gun shot wound.

"She's bleeding out Tom we need to take her back, now!" I told him in panic and worry.

Tom got a few medical supplies on his bag, and put a bandage on Katie's leg to stop the bleeding.

Katie immediately lost consciousness with all the blood she lost but thankfully Tom managed to slow it down.

Tom carried Katie and hurriedly went down from the cliff.

"Come with us, you'll be safe in our home." I told the girl.

She nodded silently and I immediately took her hand running to catch up with Tom. With our pace, we would be able to reach Tom's truck in a few minutes. Katie needs to live, y/n can't face another tragedy in her life because of me.


Tom's POV

I couldn't feel any tiredness at all, not when Katie's life is on the line. We managed to get to the truck in just a few minutes and we hurriedly got in. I settled Katie down at the back with Peter, instructing him to take a close look on Katie while I drive.

I can't waste anymore time so I drove the truck as fast as I can.

"No one is dying. Not today." I tell to myself over and over again.

All I could think about is y/n and how devastated she'll be after she finds out about what happened to Katie.


Y/n's POV

Hours has passed since my confrontation with Gal. I was finishing up on Peter's new room when I suddenly felt this heavy like something's wrong.

Pushing the feeling aside, I continued on my work.

As if on cue, I can hear Tom's truck approaching. I started fixing my tools as I hear the wheels screech indicating that they've already stopped.

"Hurry!" I heard Peter frantically say as if he's in distress.

Looking back at where they are I felt  chills ran down my spine as I watch Tom carry my unconscious, bleeding girlfriend inside the house.

Without thinking about anything but Katie, I dropped all my tools and rushed to Tom's side.

"What happened to her?! Oh my God, Katie." I cried.

I can't lose her... I just got her and now she's on the verge of dying.

Tom layed her on my bed and hurriedly went out to get the medical tools he need to treet my girlfriend.

"We saw this girl about to get rapped by three men then I tried to stop them. T-tom and I were about to knock them out when one of the pulled a gun and shot Katie on her leg. I-I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean for this to happen." Peter cried, explaining from behind me.

I held Katie's hand kissed it.

"Hold on... please Katie. I can't lose you." I cried.

Tom retured with Gal by his side. Looking at Gal's reaction, she already knew what happened. As I held Katie's hand from the other side of the bed, Tom and Gal started to work on taking the bullet out of Katie's leg.

I saw Peter and the girl they presumably saved leave the room perhaps to give us some space.

After a few moment Tom managed to get the bullet out of Katie's leg.

"Thankfully the wound is not that deep but she lost a lot of blood. Katie will be fine, y/n. We just need to wait for her to wake up and monitor her health to make sure there will be no infection." Tom said.

I sighed in relief crying even more. I'm done losing all the people I love. I don't know what I'll do if I'd have to lose Katie too.

After a few minutes, Tom and Gal had decided to leave the room.

Sitting besides Katie, I thanked all the Gods that I could think of for saving her. Fixing the lose strand of hair on her face, I leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"You scared me." I whispered to her.

"You told me you'll come home safe, you almost died on me. Please wake up soon, I love you." I added.

Seems like the stress and the crying got the best of me that I started to feel tired. Carefully laying next to her, I whispered  in her ear...

"I'll be here until you wake up. I won't leave you." I said as I slowly start to drift off to sleep.

She Saved Me (Gal Gadot/You/Katie McGrath AU)Where stories live. Discover now