- It's a date! - Reid said without giving her enough time to react.
- Ok - she had no other answer to the imperative tone on his voice.
- Great! I'll pick you up at eight.
She ran to the living room feeling a little anxious. It was already seven, so she had to be ready in an hour! That's a challenge to any woman! Luckily Krystal was there visiting and when she got out of the shower, Jeanie smiled at her:
- You need to do magic with my face and my hair before a quarter to eight! - she demanded.
- I can try... - Krystal looked at her suspicious - Why so enthusiastic?
- I have a date.
- With the photo guy? - she got surprised.
- Stop calling him like that! His name is Reid.
- And... What's goin on with this... Reid? - Krystal gossiped.
- He is nice and seems a good project for a friend.
- Just a friend? - she pinched Jeanie for details - I thought you had a date.
- It's a friends' date.
- And that's why I need to do magic on your hair and face? - she smiled.
- Well... - Jeanie confessed - He is sexy... So if I'm going somewhere with him... I should be his equal. Don't you think?
- Yes, sure, as you please - Krystal got her on front of the mirror - Done. It's not one of my best works, but I think you look awesome.
- Thanks - she smiled to the mirror giving a pair of thumbs up to her friend - I owe you.
- Just have fun.
- Bye.
Jeanie wore a pink dress although her nails were painted on green, as Reid's eyes. Her hair was different. Krystal curled it and gave her face a new look with all the make up she wasn't used to wear. She never thought about it a lot, so before opening the door she thought she wasn't the one going on that date. There wasn't enough time to get read of the make up, so she tried to ingnored it. - We are just friends - she reminded to herself.
- Wow - Reid took a deep breath when she opened the door - You look... Stunning!
- Thanks - she smiled - Truth been told, I hate pink - she confessed.
- Come on! A girl who hates pink? Where did you came from?
- Some author says girls come from Venus - she tried to sound interesting - But I refuse that theory. It's an inhabitable planet! Although I love the Goddess with that name.
- You know about Greek mythology!
- That's kinda what I study.
- What do you exactly study?
- Too many things to tell you the first night we go out.
- I'm sorry... But... You're amazing!
- What?
- You hate pink! You know that living in Venus, the planet is not a viable option, but you love the Goddess with that name; which means you obviously know about Greek mythology! And... You stopped the conversation when it was getting me to know you better! Beside, you're younger than me and I can still learn things from you! What's not to love?
- You're mocking at me.
- No! I know it's not the best moment to talk about love, but I'm talking about love in a non romantic way. I'm not in love with you, of course! But you're so interesting!
- I'm sure you say the same to every girl.
- I don't date so often. I spent many years with my ex and... - he looked at the floor like a little child - I think I'm not over it.
- I'm sorry. I didn't want to remind you of her.
- It'll pass. This is our night and we're going to enjoy it.
- Just to clear things up - Jeanie looked at him - This is not a date, right?
- No. I'm sorry I called it like that before.
- Great! - she smiled.
- Wow - Reid seemed confused - I thought you wanted it to be.
- Are you crazy? We barely know each other! - she reminded him - Don't take this wrong. I like you a lot, but I didn't accept coming out with you in a romantic way. I was sure it was a friends hanging out thing. I know you still love your ex, so I'm only here to support you. The next thing you'll do is ask me not to fall in love with you... And I won't! Not until you love yourself first.
- What if I fall in love with you?
- That's never gonna happen. You'll never love me... Not the way you love your ex and... That's so sweet! So I'm glad to be your friend - she smiled.
While the night moved forward, they visited several places and ended up seating at the city's Central Square. Jeanie thought that square looked as a maze , but being new in that city took her away every right to criticize it.
- Do you like the view? - Reid asked.
- I love it.
- Well. It has been a great night. I needed to go out, get some fresh air.
- Cold air, you mean - she corrected him - It's freezing!
- Yes - he smiled - I needed cold air, something to lower down my brain temperature.
- Does it seem your house is going to fall apart with you inside?
- Yes. I hate being there alone!
- Don't you have a pet?
- Yes, but I mean... I was used to had a female company with me.
- Isn't your pet a she cat?
- Yes - he smiled - But I mean a female human company!
- I know what you mean. I only wanted to make you laugh... And I made it through!
- I never imagined young girls could be funny.
- Are you mocking at me again?
- No. You're funny. I needed to smile and you made me laugh!
- I do what I can - she smiled - But we have to go back. My roommate doesn't like to be alone. She is afraid of... - Jeanie tried to remember - Almost everything. I think she simply hates being alone.
- I'm scared of being alone also! - he faked a puppy face.
- You're a grown up. Don't disappoint me!
- Ok. I'll take you back. But I don't want to.
- You don't have an option. Will you kidnap me?
- I would love to - he stared at her deeply - But I won't. Don't worry.
He took her back to the apartment and stayed another while speaking with her. He was a man of few words, but Jeanie enjoyed enough with his beautiful smile.
- You're very mature for your age - Reid pointed out.
- I'm not a little girl! - she answered as one - I know I seem fiveteen years old... - she thought about it - Well... Under all the make up Krystal placed on my face... - she recognized - I look like a teenager, but I'm not. I'm arriving to the young-adult phase - she made a funny face making him laugh again - I enjoyed the night.
- Me too. Can we repeat?
- Of course. Just call me.
- Really?
- Yes.
- But... What about if you're busy?
- I'm never busy for my friends. If you need me, just call and I'll be there.
- You're a good friend.
- I've been told.
- See you.
- Soon.
Reid left when Jeanie closed her door. She had tickles in her stomach, a new glow on her eyes and a huge smile on her face. But it wasn't love! Just enthusiasm.

RomanceThey are two pieces of one soul, but beautiful stories tend to go through many obstacles. Anyway, fate is something they will write.