Jeanie arrived to the theatre a few minutes before they agreed on. She loved being extremely punctual, so she stood on the porch playing with her mobile.
When Reid crossed the bridge, he saw her standing there. She had arrived early and was dressing a red blouse as she promised. He felt strange, but decided to surprise her.
When Jeanie thought he wouldn't come because of the rain, she saw a thin tall guy almost running towards her. He was dressing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and snickers, he also had headphones hanging on his neck. He seemed a lot younger than what he said he was and she loved his blond messy hair. She looked away for a moment and when she looked back, he wasn't there. Had she hallucinated?
- Hi - Reid said from behind freaking her out.
- Hi - she jumped with her heart on her mouth.
- I didn't mean to scare you - he smiled.
- Don't worry - she smiled as well - You look... Very nice.
- Thanks to the rain - he explained - My eyes get clearer with the rain.
- I think they'll always look good - Jeanie looked at his green eyes and discovered that some yellow sparkles around his pupils were breathtaking.
- Thanks - he seemed a little nervous - You look... Beautiful.
- That's not true! I'm wet and my hair looks like a waterfall.
- I'm wet as well! - he reminded her - And you look gorgeous anyway.
- Thanks - she blushed - We're very kind. Too many "thanks", I think.
- Don't worry. I have to go. Can you give me back my picture?
- Oh! I'm sorry! - she blushed again handling him the picture - You look a lot better on person - she smiled trying to fix it.
- Thanks again.
- Hey... - she tried to say something, but nothing came up.
- What? - he stared straight to her eyes paralyzing her a little more.
- I'm sorry that your ex dropped the picture. It would've been better if she had it.
- Why? - he doubted.
- You two seem happy on that picture. If she had it, she will remember those times and come back.
- I don't want her back - he lied - But thanks for giving it back to me.
- Anyone would do the same on my place - she smiled - Luckily it had your name and your phone on the back.
- Yes - he smiled - Luckily it was you who found it.
- Why?
- Because you are a decent not crazy girl.
- You're funny - she laughed.
- I would like to see you again.
- You already know how to find me. Just type my email or dial my mobile number.
- We'll meet again - he smiled walking away.
Jeanie spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about him. Of course she didn't believe it was love at first sight, so she wasn't in love, but there was something beating inside her.
- You look distracted - Beth signed out.
- I'm fine.
- Sure?
- Why shouldn't I be?
- I don't know. I feel you far away, on the clouds.
- I'm on a green cloud - she yearned freeing all the air on her lungs.
- Are you sick? Clouds are white... Or maybe grey, but never green! You're confusing colors!
- I'm not. It's green, tall and green.
- What the hell had you smoke?
- It's tall, thin and wonderful - she seemed delusional looking away.
- We are not talking about a real cloud. Are we?
- No. It's figurative!
- Oh! Thanks God! I thought you had lost your mind! You met the photo guy, no?
- Yes! And he is... So hot!
- And...
- I gave him his picture back, we chat a while and he told me he would like to see me again.
- Jeanie, I don't like him.
- You don't even know him! - she complained.
- He is a lot older than you!
- Here we go again. What's wrong with his age? He is nice! And I think he is a good friend material.
- You'll be more than friends.
- That's impossible! He is in love with his ex.
- And you'll make him forget her.
- No! I won't be his rebound! I don't want to huck up with him!
- You'll want to...
- You're sick!
- No, I'm not. He is older, he is charming and he'll convince you... Just be careful!
Jeanie was too happy to think about it. She had found an interesting friend and she planned to hold on to that friendship because it seemed too good to let it go.

RomansaThey are two pieces of one soul, but beautiful stories tend to go through many obstacles. Anyway, fate is something they will write.