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      The week went on too fast. Her life felt a little humdrum and she wondered if it always would be like that. Were the adults she knew right? It wasn't possible! Her parents, who she trusted, had shown her that routine is not able to kill life wishes, that love transforms itself like energy, without disappearing. It only changes with the path of time; and we need to learn how to live with those changes; but after Charles... She wasn't sure about anything. She felt incapable to fall in love again and although she had started to feel some affection for Reid, even a little more than she would allow herself, she didn't want her life, that hadn't even started yet, to be ruined by the routine.
- Should we see a movie? - she proposed with an enthusiastic shine on her eyes.
- You won't make me go to the movies! - he grumbled jumping to bed as protest.
- I don't want to go to the movies - she yearned - We can see the movie here.
- Of course. Which one do you want to see?
- Turn the TV on and we'll see the one it's there.
- What about if you don't like it?
- Well... As I proposed it... I shut up and see it.
- Whatever - he smiled and turn on the TV making her a sign to get on bed besides him.
      Jeanie took off her cloth and stayed on her underwear, as comfortable as she liked to sleep and as she knew Reid loved it; she ran to his side, got under the blanket and leaned her head on his chest. "Twelve years of slavery" was the movie, a really complicated plot taking into account its social, historical and racial content. Jeanie didn't took her glance away from the screen not even a second. She never imagined to be more interested on those social dramas than on the typical showy movies that girls at her age use to see, those one she got used to before minding her own personality. Luckily the movie had a nice ending, she didn't consider it a happy ending, but at least, after so many years of suffering abuses without a motive, the main character can get back to his family to see grow up his grandchildren as he couldn't see his children.
     She looked at Reid and had a huge surprise. His beautiful green eyes were so clear that the yellow sparkles she once noticed seemed to color them completely, like a cat adapting his eyes to light and a tear fell over one of his cheeks.
- Are you...? - Jeanie didn't know exactly what to say.
- Finally, after all that effort he did it - he said without looking at her - It should had been awful to live that dog's life that wasn't for him.
- I had no idea you were so sensitive - she yearned - I'm sorry. It was an absurd proposal.
- It wasn't! - he moaned - It was a great idea. We should do it more often - he smiled and kissed her forehead.
- Only if you let me use your chest as a pillow again - she smiled and got on top of him to see him better.
- Only if you let me hug you afterwards - he smiled and got her waist to get on top of her and started kissing her neck tickling her.
- You're evil! - she protested without trying to escape from his kind game.
      For them it was usual that their bodies ended up naked under the blankets and that night wasn't long enough to sleep. And without knowing if it was in that moment or when she saw the sensibility under his cold glance on her generally serious face, Jeanie stopped thinking about all the silly things in her mind an let herself go. She decided it was ok to start feeling again. She looked at the sleeping man with light expression sleeping at her side and allowed that image to steal her heart. She smiled with her fingers tied to his and fell asleep.
       The sound of her phone woke her up too early that morning. When she saw it was her mom calling she stretch herself in seconds and answered quickly.
- Any problem? - Reid asked her when she came back from the living room, where she ran not to wake him.
- I'm sorry - she apologized - I didn't mean to wake you up.
- The sound of your phone woke me up, but I didn't want to open my eyes until I felt you running. Who calls so early?
- My mom - she answered with obviousness.
- Is there any problem? - he repeated.
- I have to go back home today - she said - My dad is coming back sooner. The flight arrives tonight and my mom wants both of us to be there to receive him.
- It's logical - he indicated - Do you need anything?
- No - she smiled - I told my mom I would take the train.
- Then we can spend some more time together! - he was glad.
- I'm sorry - she yearned - I need to see Beth before leaving, so I won't see you again until Monday. I spend the weekend at home.
- I understand - he yearned and woke up to walk her to the apartment.

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