The alarm woke up Jeanie a little scared, but she jumped from bed and ran to the shower wrinkling her eyes because of the light. She was ready faster than ever and took her small luggage to get out of her house.
As soon as she arrived the station she felt as a stranger. That weekend in her home town, with friends she had left behind when she left to College turned out to be alien to her, as if she was looking herself on a movie that wasn't anything like her life.
- Jeanie? - a known voice took her out of her reflections.
She looked back without moving from her seat to answer that call, but as soon as she saw him, she wish she had her headphones on to the top of their volume and pretended she was sleeping.
- How lucky to find you! - Ben smiled enthusiastic and took away her luggage to seat besides her.
- Hello Ben - she yearned and said anything else to show him it wasn't a good time to chat.
- How lucky! - he kept saying without catching the hint - There's been a long time since I'm wishing to talk to you.
- You know where I live - she pointed out without a pinch of emotion on her voice.
- You're never there - he complained - Beth always invites me and I can see it by myself, if not, I would think you hide from me.
- I have no reasons to do that! - she kept speaking with that maddening lack of emotion tone - I'm simply a busy person who spends few time at the apartment, but... - at that time Jeanie realized what he had said - Why do you think I would hide from you?
- After what happened with Charles... - he clear his throat and looked at her ashamed - I don't know. I thought you wouldn't talk to us again.
- You?
- Ernest and me - he explained.
- Why would I do that?
- Because...
- Did you have anything to do? - Jeanie interrupted him.
- As far as I know, no, but... As we are his friends... Well, I thought you would push us away.
- I broke up with Charles for matters that only we know; and I don't have to stop talking to you because you are his friends. I thought you were the ones who were going to push me away.
- Why would we do that? - he mimicked her.
- Because Charles is your friend - she attacked back using Ben's words against him.
- We are also your friends... It's just that you look great while he... Well, you know... He is not fine at all.
- Are you also going to fall under his manipulations? - Jeanie complained - I know his game by heart. There were too many years with him to know that he'll use whatever he has on his side to get back to me again - she yearned noticing she had over spoke - I'm sorry. But it drives me crazy that he doesn't respect anything, not even his own friends, those who he is capable to use for his own selfish benefits.
- I'm sorry - Ben took her hands that were already dancing in the air without her noticing - I didn't mean to bring it out to upset you... I'm your friend as well and; knowing Charles the way I do, I know how annoying he might be, but he is not using me. I'm just showing you my point of view.
- Ben... - she yearned - I consider you a friend despite I met you through him, but it's clear you care and will defend him; and I respect that. It's what any good friend would do, but save it. Despite what he's telling around, that relationship was over six months ago; and if you're really a good friend, you'll get him professional help to the monster is coming out from him. It's really worrying and scaring. I won't ask you to pick a side because that's absurd and childish; but if you really consider yourself my friend, don't talk to me about Charles ever again.
- Ok - he promised letting her hands go when she started to breath regularly again - Ernest won't do it either. I'll make sure of that.
- Thanks - she smiled.
Without noticing it, the talk had made the travel shorter and they were almost there. Jeanie yearned again, this time so hard that she emptied her lungs to fill them back. When she checked her mobile, she found three messages from Reid. He was telling her that he hoped her weekend was fun, that he was anxious to see her again and that she shouldn't take long to arrive. Her face lighted up and her eyes sparkled again when that sweetness erased all the bad memories her talk with Ben had brought back.
- Should I walk you to your apartment? - her friend offered - It's on my way and I can help you with your luggage.
- That's not necessary - she smiled.
- I insist - he took the small suitcase from her hands - Let's go. Your company is very nice.
- So I've been told - she looked at him hesitant and decided to walk fast to get rid of him as soon as possible.
As soon as she was installed, she asked Ben, the most politely way she could to please let her alone to study before Beth arrived. He barely accepted and Jeanie closed the door and ran to the shower to take away all the tension from the trip before leaving to Reid's, who may certainly have his own tensions.

RomanceThey are two pieces of one soul, but beautiful stories tend to go through many obstacles. Anyway, fate is something they will write.