It was Ashley's birthday and Jeanie focused all her energies on trying to get the perfect gift for her best friend, maybe, her favorite person at that moment. Anything was fine if she could stop thinking about Reid and his ex, on what they were talking about... or doing. After five beautiful years, as Reid had described that relationship, a small misunderstanding was easily fixable and she would be pushed away of his life as she never existed.
- Are these the ones? - the sales assistant's voice took her out of her thoughts - Do you like this color?
- I'm sorry - she came back to earth - Can you find them on clear blue? Like oceanic blue - she explained - They are for my best friend's birthday gift. They should be great!
- Of course - the polite seller went back to the storehouse and came back with the blue headphones - Are these the right ones?
- Perfect - she smiled, payed with a generous tip and went to search paper cover to wrap it up.
Jeanie was never good at handcrafts, so she called Hanna for help. After having ready the details, she decided to check her phone, which she had been avoiding the whole morning. There was nothing there. Reid should've been busy. She was at about to go crazy when a message surprised her. Reid told her he spent the whole morning doing household chores and playing with his pet without noticing how fast time flew away. He also missed her. Jeanie's colors came back to her face.
After she got home, she decided to take a nap until night. They were going to take Ashley to her favorite band's concert and she thought it was a good idea to be charged with energy when her friend dragged her to dance at public's first line.
When Jeanie woke up, it was already dark and took a quick shower, dressing herself for the occasion: dark cloth and a big coat. She met Ashley at their city Central Square and her friend was really excited with the gift. She loved it and Jeanie felt a little happy at that moment.
- You look awful! - Ashley complained - I'm the one who's getting a year older. I should be the depressed one.
- I'm still older then you dummy - she smiled - But I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable. I want you to be the happiest person of the night!
- I'll be as soon as you tell me what's going on.
- Denisse is going on!
- Who's Denisse? - she doubted.
- Reid's ex.
- Would you mind to explain yourself?
- She wanted to pick her things up and there wasn't a better moment than this weekend!
- I don't think that's something bad.
- I'm not there - Jeanie complained - And she isn't going to pick her things up. I know.
- What do you mean?
- She wasn't ready to let him when she left leaving so many things behind. It's the oldest trick of history!
- Jeanie, they were together five years. Half of her things should be at Reid's house! Reid had been cautious so that you don't have to see them, but it's a logical thing that she still has things there; and I think it's a good thing she's going to pick them up. It means it's definitive.
- I can feel that's not what's going on. She found out he met someone and she wants to come back to recover him... And it will be super easy because he blindly loves her! - she yearned.
- Stop thinking about it - Ashley asked - You'll see he'll choose you above her - she tried to comfort her.
- I hope so - she longed again - I'm so sorry Ashley! I'm totally ruining your birthday! I'm the worst best friend on the world!
- Don't be silly. I loved your gift and we are here! Let's dance and stop thinking for a while. Ok?
- Ok - Jeanie agreed and they went to the dance floor. Shaking her body at music beat she was also trying to shake away those awful thoughts from her intuitive mind.
The concert ended up late and Jeanie barely had time to take her makeup away, change her cloth and fall asleep as soon as her hear hit the pillow.

RomanceThey are two pieces of one soul, but beautiful stories tend to go through many obstacles. Anyway, fate is something they will write.