The Invader.

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Accel might be ooc but please bear with it.

Academy city, a city with a population of 2.3 millions. As it's name suggest it has a lot of schools and institutions. 80% of the citizens were students.

December 24  09:35am

It was a cloudy day in Academy city and because of the fog and the clouds no one could see the sun.

Well for a young albino it was different he was inside a building with literally no windows and was only lit by the artificial lights.
His hands were cold as he was looking through some papers.
"Well if it isn't some people infiltrating the city again... Sigh.. " Said the white haired boy with a bored tone.

He was Accelerator the #1 esper of academy city and the current board chairman.
" This could be a problem" Says accelerator as he was reading the papers.
He put his left hand inside his pocket and rested his right arm on his cane.

Suddenly the papers gathered in a single place and there appeared a girl.
The translucent girl had twin wings, a tentacle like tail, pointy ears and hole in her forehead.
It was qliphah puzzle 545 the artificial demon created by the great demon Corozon.

While floating in the air the demon gracefully moved her body behind Accelerator's body and put her hand around his neck.

" Nehehehee what is worrying you master" Said the demon while rubbing her cheeks against his.

"Look for it yourself" Says accelerator while showing the paper he's reading to her.

"It can be a problem nehehe but if you can resolve it before anyone get involved it would be better." Said qliphah  while reading the paper.

" Tch this sure is pain in the ass" Says accelerator while cracking his neck.

The paper they were holding had information about an intruder who had basically infiltrated academy city.
But what annoyed Accelerator was the intruder's ability.

" It says that the person have a strange ability of stealing others people abilities" Says accelerator while holding his cane with his right hand.

" Hmmm there must be some conditions to use that ability " Deduces the demon while putting her index finger on her lips.

" That may be it but we don't know why that person came here and does that power work on esper or anyone with some kind of power" Says accelerator. " Whatever it is we have to resolve it before something happens."

While looking through more information on the specified person accelerator felt a
Tingling feeling then a zap sound was heard.
It was coming from his chocker.

" What the heck.. This can't be.. " Says accelerator he was stammering and could not stand properly.
The demon behind him noticed him struggling to stand properly and was holding on his cane.

She pushed the chair forward and helped accelerator to sit.
" Nehehe master are you okay" Asked the demon with concern in her eyes.

" Yes it's nothing. It's something wrong with the network." Says accelerator slowly to avoid stammering.

But what was the cause that is interfering with the network to the point he couldn't stand or talk properly.

"It's probably something to do with the sisters" Said accelerator while taking time to pronounce each word carefully " But if I'm having this much difficulty to even talk then it must be a lot of them involved or more specifically a higher unit".

"And perhaps you think it's the latter" Said Qliphah while floating in front of him.

"It is a possibility" Says accelerator while raising his head to look at her.
He was very angry and was trying his best to think that a certain person is alright.

" Tch no point staying here anymore I'll head out" Says accelerator.
He tried to stand and walk out side the door but was struggling to do so.
Suddenly Qliphah put her neck between his body and his left arm. She had made him take her support.
" Nehehee at times like this master you should rely on me" Said the demon with a sweet voice.

Accelerator was already angry but he was more worried so he ignored her and let her do what she wants.

Qliphah was surprised to see accelerator not lashing out on her like he always does, but she saw accelerator's angry and worried face so she said " Nehehe master you worry a lot"
Accelerator could only click his tongue after hearing that.


Well that escalated quickly.
I might take time to update but this is guaranteed that i won't drop this.

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