Chapter 3 :{D

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Author's Note: Hola :D Okay, so I hope you guys are enjoying this story :D It's completely different to LIBT, obvi! In this chapter, there are TWO references to TWO BTR songs :D They're kinda easy to spot :D If you find them, comment down below and I'll give you a dedication, fan and shoutout :D and, maybe incorporate you into the story for a little cameo :D 

THis chapter also revisits the convo between Ollie and Skye from the previous chapter. Please enjoy, vote, fan and yeah :D lol idk what else to say :D


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I am so proud of myself! For many years, I’ve been so scared of the woods behind my house. My older brother, Kyle, told me a scary story once. It was about this man who murdered a young girl because she was ugly. Yeah, it’s pretty stupid and unrealistic but I was an ugly girl growing up and, when I was 8, I believed anything my older brother told me. I take my time as I walk into the woods. As soon as I walk a few metres into the woods, the trees engulf me and I can’t see my way back to my house clearly. There’s no turning back from here, I think to myself. I continue my trek until I come to an opening. The only beam of sunlight I’ve seen for a few minutes shines right on me. I feel awesome! I turn my head around the area and notice a small boy sitting on the edge of a cliff dangling his legs over the drop.

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“Uh, yeah?” He replies. I wonder who he is. Does he always come here?

“Do you know where I could find a vampire called Ollie?” I continue. If he hangs around here, maybe he knows who and where Ollie is.

“A vampire? Really? Don’t you know that there’s no such thing as those mythical creatures! As for Ollie, what a stupid name! Seriously, where did you find out such a thing?” Wow! That was rude of him to say! How dare he act so rude!

“Oh,” is all I say. I clearly sound hurt and hope that he notices.

“I’m sorry if I sound rude. It’s just that people always come to this forest asking for Ollie. It’s just really annoying,” He explains. I know it’s him. It’s the Ollie! He looks the exact same as in the pictures on the web! I’ve actually found him! Boy, was Pepper right! He does have a bit of a temper.

“It’s alright. Thanks for telling me, though, Ollie,” I say. Hopefully, my trick goes unnoticed.

“No problem,” He replies.

“Ha! You didn’t deny it! It really is you!” I exclaim.

“Deny what? Oh…” It finally dawns on him. I called him Ollie.

“Wow! What an honour to meet you! I’m Skye,” I say.

“How do you even know about me and where to find me? I haven’t been seen for about 10 years!” I reply. I explain the story my mother had told me when I was younger. I also mention that I researched for days on end. I set up a Google Alert that let me know recent news about him. I also went looking for people who had seen or heard about him. That’s where I got most of her information.

“Wow! You really put in a lot of effort! But please, don’t try to kill me! I really don’t like it,” He pleads.

“Don’t worry! I’d never try to kill you! That’s just disgusting and gross!” I replies with a sincere smile.

“And illegal!” He jokes. I slowly join him on the cliff edge, well two metres from the edge. “You know you can come closer, right?”

“Uh, yeah. I knew that! Haha,” I wearily come closer to the edge but stop, again, about one metre away.

“Haha! Trust me, it’s really nice on the edge! You can just dangle your legs over the edge and feel the air rush around them. It’s surreal! And, if you fall, which you won’t, I’ll catch you!” He assures me. I come closer and dangle my legs over the edge. I open her mouth involuntarily in awe and move my head around.

“This does look amazing! Thank you,” I say.

“For what?” He queries.

“For letting me sit with you and look at this amazing scenery! It’s incredible,” I reply. There’s a huge lake with different animals around it. They are either drinking it or washing in it or playing in it! They’re so cute! My thoughts are running wild as I peer down at them.

“I was wrong about you,” He says, breaking my train of thoughts.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“I thought you were just another human but you’re not.  You’re different,” He explains.

“Uh, thank you?” I say, confused.

“It’s a good thing! I thought you were looking for me just to stab me, or something, but you’re not! You actually just wanna hang out, which is awesome,” He says. My face heats up. This is weird, I know! But I feel some sort of connection to him. I feel like I’ve known him for a very long time.

My phone buzzes. I look down and see that it’s from my mum, “Oh, I’m sorry Ollie. That’s my mum. She wants me to get home right away,” I slowly creep away from the edge of the cliff and head off back the way I came. Now, I hope I can get back. I didn’t think of bringing breadcrumbs or anything to help me get back so I’m on my own. Ollie was surprisingly nice and friendly. I never thought that I’d actually meet him. I’ve got to come back tomorrow and meet with him again! That would be awesome! He could turn into a bat and fly me around to places. We could visit the animals by the lake. Maybe even ride a deer around the woods. Now, that would be incredible!

I make my way to the house to get ready to head to the concert. My mum and I are going to see a combined Big Time Rush and Jonas Brothers concert in the town centre. It’s going to be a big night. My mum and I jump in the car and drive towards the town. Unfortunately, for some stupid reason, the car breaks down. We have an hour to get to the concert but we’re half an hour away from the town.

“Why does this have to happen tonight? Of all nights, it couldn’t have happened any other day?! Maybe on the way to school or something?! Why now!?!!” I shout to my mum.

“Calm down! It’ll be all right! Look, there is the car rental business. We’ll go there and hire a car for the evening. We’ll get this fixed later!” My mum looks me in the eye, “We’re going to make it on time. I promise!”  So much for trying to make this an epic night!

We hop out of the car and make our way to the rental place. As we’re walking out to get the new car, I see a familiar person walking in to the shop. He has black hair and pale skin. He turns his head to me and makes a silent gasping sound. What was Ollie doing here? I was about to walk up to him when my mum pulled me into the direction of the car and told me to get in before we become late for the concert.

I know I’m supposed to enjoy the most amazing concert ever, don’t get me wrong, I was thoroughly enjoying it, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about why Ollie would need a car. Why was he even there? I thought he enjoyed being hidden away in the woods, since he’s never been seen for 10 years! I’ll have to ask him tomorrow when I visit him in the woods again. 

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