Chapter 1 :{D

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Author's Note: Hola!! WWWAAAAZZZAAA??!!!!! Ok, so it's been a while sinc I've written something. My new story is about a vampire but it's NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT!! I realise that once people hear the word vampire, they cringe or beam a huge smile because they either hate or love twilight. But this vampire story has nothing to do with the plot line of twilight! So, chill :D I really hope you like it. This chapter is in a human's POV and the next chapter will be Ollie's POV. I'll write who's pov it is each time there's a new chapter. :D I really hope you love it :D Please leave feedback and comments and stuff down there and please vote and fan :D 

Everyone should thank @LoveBTR123 for being my 50th fan, which ultimately means that I upload the first chapter :D YAY :D 

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A Human POV :D 

When I was younger, after my father died, my mother had always told me stories before I went to bed. It was what we did every night for a few years. The story I most remember is about an un-killable vampire named Ollie. My mother had always sworn that he was real and that they were best friends. I don’t know much about him but I did research. I went on a website – It told me so much information about him. I even went looking for sources that had claimed to see him. This research was kind of scary at first but so interesting. 

All I could gather from the website was that when Ollie was younger, about 5-6 years old, he seemed like an ordinary vampire: he drank blood for every meal. But once he reached 13, he began to hate the bitter taste of human blood. He would gag at the smell and sight of the rich, red fluid. His mum disowned him and his siblings de-siblinged him. They were disgusted at him. It was only his father, Bobbie, who still loved him but that may've been because his father was an elf. Secretly, Bobbie was extremely happy that his son had grown out of loving the taste of blood. His friends, who were all vampires, also hated the fact that he loathed blood. His life, as he knew it, was falling apart. When he reached 16, his fangs grew, despite not having drunk blood for 3 years. He was thrilled because, even though he doesn’t drink blood, maybe other vampires will accept him because he has fangs.

So, basically, Ollie is a normal vampire except that he hates blood and doesn’t drink it. But that’s completely minor compared to what I heard about him from Pepper Salts. She told me that Ollie also couldn’t be killed. That’s crazy, right? I queried her question a little further. She added that by stake, garlic and sun, Ollie could not be killed. Once this got out via the media, random strangers would stalk Ollie and try to kill him. It never worked. Even though people knew he didn’t drink blood, no one cared. People just wanted the vampire race to be annihilated off the face of the earth. People wanted them to ‘go back to hell and rot’, well, at least that’s what Pepper’s mum wants to happen to the race. Pepper also mentioned that Ollie used to smile all the time. His smile was so big; everyone thought that it'd rip his face off! He was always laughing, pulling pranks and telling jokes. This Ollie seems amazing! He seems like a real prankster and clown. But Pepper also mentioned that he had a short temper bomb. Once, he killed a human by biting them because he kept stabbing and stabbing him. Afterwards, he fled into the woods and made himself vomit. He hated the taste of vomit and hated that he was a murderer. He, apparently, hadn’t wanted to kill the man but his anger took over. Now, that does not sound perfect.

From the stories my mother had told me, Ollie seemed the most perfect guy ever! She also mentioned that everyone wanted to be him because he was flawless. Although, from what Pepper Salts has told me, he has flaws and lots of them.

All I wonder about now is whether he’s still out there. If he’s really living in the woods behind my house, I want to meet him and his father. Maybe I could put on fake fangs and pretend to be just like him so I can talk to him and feel some sort of connection with him. We could talk and dream about what life would be like if we were ‘humans’. I wonder what he thinks about humans. Does he hate all of us? Or just the ones who try to kill him? I must meet him. That’s next for my research: finding where he lives. 

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