Shot 1

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Dedicated to @Anukritisingh007 for the beautiful cover.

"Gauri... I don't want to hear your views on this marriage... I am just informing you that you have no choice but to accept the proposal if you want to continue your studies... otherwise forget about that dream... you can get married to someone here in Bareilly" said her grandmother Gayathri Sharma.

"Daadi... please... I don't want to marry now... please make baba understand. You are my only hope" she pleaded again.

"You were promised to them Gauri... this isn't something know your father cannot back out on a promise... he is the village head... if he goes back on his word what will be left of the family's honor... you will have to marry him... they are a good family... you will be happy with them..."

"But... I don't want to marry now...why can't you people understand that... if my mother were alive, she would have supported me" saying this Gauri ran to her room crying.


"I have a meeting today Daadi... I won't have time to see the girl today" said Shivaay to Kalyani Singh Oberoi.

"Okay... I will inform them that we will go tomorrow... is that okay for you?" she asked and her grandson nodded his head.

"They are planning to send her to college today... seems like she is eager to start her academic year... didn't take my help though... they said she got the admission without much difficulty" he informed earning a nod.

"I have made arrangements for their stay in our guest house.... Did you talk to them?"

Kalyani Singh Oberoi shook her head tiredly "Omkara and Rudra got into another college fight Shivaay... I went to meet the principal yesterday... jab dekho jhagada... tera laad pyaar ne hi bigaada hai unhe.....(they get into fights every other day... your pampering has spoilt them)" she said ready to start her usual complaining session about her naughty grandsons.

"Daadi... they are youngsters... Om will complete his exams next month... if he joins me in business these fights will come down on their own... Moreover Omkara gets into fights only when he finds rules broken... it is not like he fights unnecessarily... you know him..."

"Rudra is no less... he has a year more to complete his studies... He follows Om's footsteps... I am sure he will be getting into more fights than his brother"

"Daadi... you are talking as if they are some goons... my brothers are smart and good at academics... You will see for sure... Omkara will pass his exams with honors... it is just that he gets irked when it comes to people crossing lines"

"Haa too (So?) ... is he the only one in college to take all the problems of the student community on his head?"

"Daadi he is a student leader... it is obvious that if anyone has a problem they will go to him for help"

"Talking to you against your brothers is like blowing a trumpet before a deaf ear... leave it... no one in this house understands my worry" said Daadi with an irritated pout.

Shivaay smiled at the elderly woman "Acha thik hai... I understand your concern... I will talk to Om today... are you happy now?"

When Kalyani nodded her head with a satisfied smile Shivaay laughed and shook his head "Sometimes I feel like I have to deal with not two but three kids daadi... why don't you act your age"

"Haaaw" exclaimed Kalyani dramatically "How old do you think I am.... It is just that I got married when I was eight.. otherwise I would have been only a mother... not a grandmother... I stopped counting my age after sixteen.... Don't I look like that?" she said righting her appearance making her grandson chuckle and say "Absolutely right"

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