Chapter 10

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After standing on stage in an incredibly awkward silence, that's when all the questions came rolling in about the band. Luckily someone came up with the idea of them being holograms so that's what Julie told them. From the corner of my eye, I could seen Reggie come back on stage and started wiggling his hips in a weird motion, trying to see if the crowd could still see them.

I was trying my best not to burst out laughing as Alex gave him a shunned look shaking his head. It was definitely a funny sight to take in.

Julie answered a few more questions before the principal shooed everyone out of the gym as her teacher Mrs, Harrison talked with her. It was none of my concern since it was a privet conversation so I went over to the boys.

"This whole situation just keeps throwing curve balls at us," I say indicating what just happened on stage a few seconds ago. Everyone could see the guys when they sang with us, it was good that people thought they were only holograms.

"I know it was incredible. Actual people saw us play, this is great," Luke exclaims getting all giddy and jumping about which was adorable. He looked like a kid in a candy store that just found their favourite candy.

"Really because it's freaking me out. Alright, you and Julie can see us but only you can touch us. However when you do then others can see us, and now everyone can see us when we play with you and Julie. Yet I'm a ghost and my clothes are made of air but somehow I'm still getting a wedgie," Alex says probably adding a bit too much information at the end of his rant.

"That last part is something I could've lived without knowing there Alex," I say shaking my head slightly trying to rid my mind of that mental image that I didn't want to see.

We talked so more before I had to get to my classes. Julie showed me around and we had almost all the same classes, she also said she got back into the program which was fantastic and I was proud of her.

She told me that her and Flynn had a fight which left her upset. I did everything I could to cheer her up as we continued through the day. My first day back in public school wasn't bad at all and nobody seemed to pay me any mind unless to offer praise for my singing. It was strange getting recognition, at least for me but it brought a smile to my face.

Once school was over I drove Julie home where she went inside to tell Ray the news while I went into the studio. Inside Luke and Reggie were standing around the piano where a piece of paper rested. They were messing about on their guitars but Alex was no where to be seen.

"Where's Alex?" I asked plopping down on the couch, picking up my sketchbook and a pencil. My hand dancing across the page without even a thought as to what I was drawing.

"He was upset and poofed somewhere. Thought it was best to let him be," Reggie says with a sad look, clearly worried for his best friend.

"And none of you thought to give him a hug, or comfort," I reply because as someone who has alot of bad days, the best help is having someone to be there for me when I need them. I'd like to be that someone for Alex since he's struggling with all this.

"Despite us being his best friends and all, and want to help him as best we can. We aren't the best suited for helping him through this. All this ghost stuff is something we'd like for you to help him with. You're best suited for it," Luke says with an ashamed look, clearly upset that he couldn't help his friend like he wanted too.

"Yeah, you're right. I can help him with all this but he also needs you guys too," I say putting my book down walking over to them "What are you guys up too?"

From the looks on their faces, I'm guessing it's something they shouldn't be doing. "Um... We made this melody for one of Julie's poems that I found in her dream box," Luke says and my eyes widen. I couldn't believe he snooped through Julie's stuff.

"I still think it's about deep dish pizza," Reggie adds right as Alex poofed onto the piano, right where Luke had a book that he was looking over.

He had a smile on his face, which was a good thing. I'm glad he felt better. "Where were you?" I asked in concern.

He smiled at me. It was an amazing smile that would definitely make girls swoon, too bad Alex didn't like girls that way. "Everywhere, I met a ghost friend. He's answered alot of my questions which cleared things up," he says eyes wide with happiness.

Awe bless him, he has a crush on his new friend. I can't wait to meet him and give him the whole if you hurt him I'll hurt you speech. I've grown protective over Alex in the little time that I've known him and I won't let anyone hurt him. Neither would Reggie and Luke.

Alex then went on to tell us all that he learned even some new words. It a quiet for a few minutes before Julie came into the room and asked Luke what they were doing.

"I'd run if I were you,"..........

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