Chapter 34

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Our show at Madison Square Garden was incredible. There was just so much energy from the crowd and the fact that is was a sold out show just made everything that much better. As usual Luke was just a bundle of excitement on stage.

Everybody seemed to love our new songs too, especially when it came to my duet with Luke. We preformed this dance all without touching. It would be extremely hard to explain how I was touching a "hologram"

The best part was definitely the standing ovation at the end of the show. We had kept the music playing softly in the background so the boys could enjoy the applause more before poofing off stage. I always felt bad that they got whisked away shortly after a performance so Julie and I came up with the idea. Just like how it unintentionally happened when we sang Flying Solo to Flynn.

For our closing song we played Now or Never because it truly is a good song and everyone deserved to hear it. From the side of the stage Landon never took his eyes off of Alex which is a bit creepy, not gonna lie.

They'd be a cute couple, but Alex still has to cope with the fact that Willie crossed over when I crossed Caleb. I felt really bad about it since I knew how much he cared about Willie. Yet I had no idea that Willie would be affected by it. However at the end of the day I just want Alex to be happy.

The music ended just as we finished our bows and the boys were zapped to the side of the stage where they waited for Julie and I. We walked over with big smiles on our faces.

"Well I can finally cross off playing a sold out concert from my bucket list," I yell over the loud cheering still coming from the audience.

"That was the best thing to ever happen in my entire life," Luke says slinging his arm around my shoulder, neglecting the fact that both of us were extremely sweaty.

"Um what about when you met us," Alex and I say together pointing at everyone in the group along with Flynn who had made her way over from the sound board.

"Alright second best," Luke says holding his hands up in surrender. We all shared a laugh, then went back to the dressing room.

The guys said they'd meet us back at the hotel taking Landon with them, which gave Julie and I time to change before Ray knocked on the door. We opened it greeting him and Carlos before going back to the hotel.

Ray and Carlos were sharing a room as were Julie and Flynn leaving me with a room to myself. However I was also booked a double room so Luke shared my bed while Alex to my extra one. Reggie was staying with Julie meaning Landon would have to share with Alex. Hopefully he didn't mind.

I entered my room and immediately took a nice hot shower, then I changed into a night gown before making my way out into the bed area. I smiled when I saw Alex sound asleep with Landon beside him. They were trying their best not to touch one another but that could change by the morning. Luke was still up waiting for me.

I crawled in next to him, resting my head on his chest and snuggled into him. "Am I the only one who thinks they'd be a cute couple?" He asked nudging his head toward his best friend and my brother and I giggled.

"No, they'd be great together. Maybe one day," I replied before closing my eyes and falling right to sleep. Today was a busy day, but I really enjoyed myself. I'm so happy to have met them all, heres to more memories......

Y'all I'm sorry its been months since the last chapter, I've been busy with work and was not really motivated to update any of my stories, but I was also focusing on one story at the moment since I started writing it over a year ago and really wanted to finish it but now that it's finished hopefully I'll update this more. Hope you like it and thanks for reading.


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