Chapter 19

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I nodded before handing him the signed guitar. He held it gently not wanting to drop it before placing it carefully on a guitar stand. A bright smile on his face as the others watched on.

"Where did you get that?" He asks turning around to look at me. He looked like a kid on Christmas which was adorable.

"Oh um... Mom had come across it awhile ago and gave it to Landon back when he first got into playing. It was just hanging around the house and when Alex told me it was your birthday. I thought who better to have it then you," I replied with a small shrug.

"Are you sure??? I mean it was your brother's," he asks scratching his neck sheepishly.

"Yeah, you just seemed so upset earlier. I wanted to make you feel better," I say almost forgetting that we had an audience.

"Well thank you Sammie, you really didn't have to," he says pulling me into a hug.

"Alright lovebirds that was sweet and all but we got a gig tonight," Alex blurts out ruining the moment as we pulled away, my face flushed. And with that we went on practicing.

After a good few hours on rehearsing Finally Free it was perfect and Julie went inside for awhile. Right now I was painting Alex's nails black because he asked me to, so a pulled out my polish and went to work.

"I take it guys having colored nails is more accepted now," he says as I went to work, the guys watching.

"Yeah, it's not really gender specific or sexuality specific anymore. There are guys who aren't gay that paint them. They're just finger nails afterall," I explained cleaning up a spot that got on his skin.

"The world has changed alot since we've been here," Reggie says flopping down on a bean bag, as Luke admired his new guitar.

"Yeah, we're still working out things, like racism and equality. Hopefully we'll have that one day," I say really meaning it. I'd love for the world to live in peace with eachother. No hate, or harmful actions destroying what we already had. Maybe one day.

We talked some more as I finished Alex's nails and joked around "Why is there a guy peeping through our window?" I asked looking towards the door where a guy with long hair was looking in.

"It's Willie," Alex says as the guy sees that we see him before turning away. Alex and I follow him rushing outside.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Alex asks causing his friend to stop and turn towards us.

"Because I shouldn't have met you Alex," he says causing my friend to become hurt.

"Hey don't talk to him like that," I said sternly, placing myself protectively in front of Alex.

"Wait you can see me?" He asks quite confused that a lifer could see him. He also looked pretty solid just like the guys and it was confusing to me as well.

"Yeah now if you ever talk to him like that again, I'll force you to cross over and news flash pal. I can do that," I retort, angry that he upset my best friend.

This Willie guy looked scared before he poofed away leaving a bummed out Alex. We went back inside and I pulled him into a big hug, Luke and Reggie soon joining in. Not liking seeing their friend sad.

"He said he regrets meeting me," Alex says sadly as we pulled away.

"Then he's not worth it Al and if he comes back I'll kick his ghost butt," I say before getting ready for our show. I put on a cut off mayday parade shirt, black leggings and a blue beanie to tame my curls.

The guys went to checkout the place before getting Julie as I drove to where we were playing, once there I saw Flynn and walked over. Julie showed up not long after as Dirty Candy began singing.

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