Part 16 ~ Evaluate Your Actions

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I've been out of it for a while let's admit it 🙄 but I figured I might as well get something out b4 my birthday :) be productive or some shit. also my current obsession is gorillaz so 🙄🤚🏻 in my defense they make such bangers and noodle and 2D are just mwah 😁

"So, Y/N, crazy party this weekend ehhh?" Jared asks me during free period.
"Yeah I guess Jared." I say not making eye contact with him. I'm still giving him the cold shoulder for his actions that night. I don't think he's picking up on them though.
~~ Jared's POV ~~
What the fuck is going on with her? Why is she being so distant now? I don't think I did anything wrong, did I? She wasn't like this before... She's been cold to me all day for no reason.
"So, uhm how about that fuckin algebra test huh?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood. "I don't have algebra, Jared. I'm in geometry, remember?" She replies as coldly as the school's lunches.
"Wow," I snicker. "Someone get boned too hard last night or what?" I retort.
And with that comment she's like a ladle engulfed in flames. Hot, yes, but kind and totally losing her temper right now? Not so much.
~~Y/N's POV~~
His little "comment" pushes me over the edge. It feels the same as when a guy asks if you're a bitch on the rag. Not great. Infuriating actually.
"You wanna know something Jared?" I snap my neck to face him, "What the fuck is YOUR problem? I mean first you're ice cold to me, THEN you fucking start a fight with me while we're going to the stupid fucking party, and to top off the dumbass of the year award for this week alone,,, you KISS me. You kiss me drunk and without my say in the matter. Especially after being a fucking dick to me less than 24 hours before. So no, don't ask me what the fuck MY problem is. You need to stop dicking around and take a look at yourself. Evaluate your actions. Think about how they effect other people. For example that little stunt you pulled made me have to get a ride from Michael, and it's not that I don't like the guy, but I was CLEARLY intruding on his night with Nicole. The worst part though, was not even getting a text asking me how my night was, or let alone even checking up on me. For all you know, I could've been in a ditch, decomposing, and covered in maggots! All you did was act like everything was completely normal. Like you weren't a complete asshat! Like seriously what the fuck is wrong with you!"
I run out of the room before I'm able to see the look on his face. I don't care, I don't want to see his stupid fucking face anymore. I don't care if they mark me absent for the day, there's only one more period left anyways, I just want to be farrrr away from that asshole. I just should stop trying with him.
I run to the girls' bathroom and lock myself in a stall and start to sob. Not just sob, mind you, ugly sob.
  That went on for a couple minutes until I heard a pair of shoes enter the cold and dim room.
"Y/N? Are you in here?" It's Nicole. Of course it is, she's just the type of person to check up on her friends, I love that about her.
  "Y-yeah,," I murmur out, my voice hoarse from crying.
   The pitter patter of her worn out teal converse make their way over to me until she knocks twice on the navy metal stall door.
   "N/N,, can you unlock the door,, I can't really get in without you unlocking it, that is, of course if you're okay with it. If not I'll be on the other side and if you don't like that I can just leave." She say, with a slight giggle on the last part.
   I unlock the door and tell her it's open and she walks into the now partially cramped space. "Hehe,, it's uhm,, cozy huh?" She says, trying to lighten the mood, but then gets serious. "So, what happened with Jared, sweetie? Don't worry because Michael's giving him a firm talking to right now." She says, pulling out one of her handkerchiefs and dabbing away my tears. I already know that that is not fucking true. Michael might be beating the shit out of Jared right now but oh well.
   "So, uhm,, you know like what happened Friday,, right?" I can tell by the look of confusion (and possibly fear?) on her face that she doesn't. "Okay well basically, uhm Jared was a fucking asshat, if I may be blunt, and then afterwards, he fucking kissed me, not only did he kiss me, but he didn't ask for consent,,, and he was intoxicated as well! And then the motherfucker just acts like everything is normal! Like he didn't hurt me! I just can't believe him!" I rant and blabber to her.
She gives me a warm embrace and asks with her face in my hair, "Do you want me to stay in here with you for a bit?"
"Only if you want to, I was kinda going to walk home maybe."
She nods and says she'll stay as long as I need her to.
~~Nicole's POV~~
I sit down on the floor in the stall with Y/N, not caring if it's dirty, clothes can be washed. I get out my phone and text Michael.
N: hey bubba, what's your side of the storyyy
Well like basically it's news to Jared that he did anything (shocker 🙄) But basically he didn't remember anything after he got in the car w N/N so he was rly drunk ig :Micha❤️🎧
N: so how are we gonna play this? are we gonna tell the others so they'll subsequently be friends again?
Obviously babe: Micha ❤️🎧
N: ok, let's tell them after school at once, I'm staying in here w N/N for a while, so don't wait up for me
Will do. We're still on for Mario Kart later though right :) : Micha ❤️🎧
N: of course bubs, wouldn't miss it for the world :D ttyl 💖
great :) see you after school then ig:Micha❤️🎧

~~Y/N's POV~~
Nicole smiles at her phone as it dings. I don't know how, but I feel like she's hiding something....

Yeah bros so,,, yeah,,, I'll prolly disappear into the abyss after this because motivation is nonexistent this was also written at like 4 am so 😁 we love that. Yeah sorry but like this is my pace ig

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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