All Mine~ Yandere Hawks x Reader🙂

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*this is an attempt at writing a Yandere version of Hawks. I've never written him or any other character in a yandere style so I apologise if it's a bit shit. This chapter is purely experimental*

•You're the long term girlfriend of pro hero Hawks
• You're pregnant


"I..I think I lost him.." you panted, leaning forwards with your hands on your knees

"Lost who~?"

A gust of wind blew around you.


"You alright songbird?" A husky voice spoke, warm breath fanning the side you your cheek as he stood with his chest pressed against your back.


"What's the matter?"

"Why do you always win?" You pouted, turning to face him with your arms folded over your chest.

"(Y/N), you're literally wearing one of my feathers" he laughed, moving his arms to hold your lower back. "It'd be hard to loose track of you wearing that"

"Yeah, but you'd think I'd at least get a bit further than this?"

"Hey?" He spoke softly, lifting a hand to raise your chin. "You did pretty well considering you were up against me"

*sigh* "I guess" you smiled, draping your arms up around his shoulders as he moved in for a kiss.

"What d'ya say we head back?" He hummed, nuzzling his nose into your hair.



That was six months ago.

You'd noticed your boyfriend had become extremely protective over you since you told him you were pregnant...even more so than he usually was.

There was a foul rotting smell coming from the spare room in your apartment. You followed it to one of the bottom drawers that neither of you typically used. Inside the drawer you found  something small wrapped in a blood stained cloth.

You felt bile rise to your throat as you unwrapped it. You'd been looking the past few days for one of your neighbours. His name was Akira and he just up and went missing.

You felt bad, like it was your fault he'd gone missing. You see, the day before he vanished, he had confessed his love for you.

It broke you to see him so shattered when you rejected him but you were happy in your relationship with thought you were.

"K-Kei...what is this..?" You whispered, eyes watering over

"You weren't supposed to see that" he chuckled anxiously, leaning on the doorframe of the dark room.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?!" You shouted, tears streaming down your eyes as you turned to face him.

"Hey..? Don't cry" he frowned, walking towards you

"Don't fucking touch me!" You snapped, backing into the wall.

"I...I had to do it..?"

He sounded confused?

"H-he was trying to take you away from me"

You watched as he stepped towards you. You'd never felt afraid of Keigo until this moment, when it dawned on you what he'd done.

"He was g-gonna turn you against me..?"


"Please stop crying Babybird" he moved his hand to cup the side of your cheek.

Instinctively, you flinched away from his touch. He didn't like that.

"What's wrong?"

"I need...I need to go" you spoke quietly, holding onto his wrist in an attempt to remove him from you.

"Go where??" He furrowed his brows

"Just away for a while..okay?"

"he got to you, didn't he?"


"(Y/N)...where the fuck are you trying to go!" He snapped, gripping firmly onto your wrist.

"'re scaring me" you cried as he shook you.

"You're mine got it?! Not anyone else's!"

"A-Aghh" you winced as his nails dug into your flesh. "Keigo get off me!"

You watched the piercing look in his eyes soften and he let go of you, backing away from your form.

"W-what have I done..?"


The man continued moving backwards until his back hit the opposite wall.

"I..." he continued murmuring to himself as he slid down against the wall, crouching down to his knees.


You called out to him but he didn't stop.

He brought his hands up to cover his ears as he buried his face into his knees. Wings curling around his form.

Hesitantly you stepped over to him, squatting down before pushing aside one of his crimson wings, placing your hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't wanna hurt him...hurt you...make you cry....I made you cry?!..."

you bit back the lump in your throat as you draped your arms around him.

"Kei baby, I need you to calm down for me okay?"

He began to relax a bit once you were holding him, resting his head on your shoulder and pulling you in closer.

"I did it for us.." he mumbled, tears falling onto your back "so you didn't leave.."

"..Keigo I-"

"You can't leave me" he spoke with an empty voice. " can''re mine"


"..all mine.."

Just another book of bnha one shots..I think?Where stories live. Discover now