???~ Shinso x Reader ❓

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❗️This chapter is literally a joke. It's just bored waffle from when I was half asleep. Apologies ❗️

• This ones a quickie ~ not very long and literally makes no sense. I was very bored when I wrote this.
• You are Hitoshi Shinso's girlfriend
• You're in his class and dorm block.

It was a chilly night and you were sitting out on a ledge with Hitoshi. Completely unaware that someone was lurking in the shadows watching.

You sat on your balcony, joking about your diminishing will to live with your boyfriend as he suddenly burst into song.

"Kill me~"

He paused, looking to you for the next line

"Oh I wish I could~" you hummed melodically

"Stab me with a bit of spiky wood~" he lifted his hand to his heart dramatically as if stabbing himself with a phantom stake

"If I could saw us both in half~"

"Finish us off then we could laugh~"

"Murder me quick then dump by bones~" you leaned forward with a playful look on your face

"Burn all the clothes and smash the phones~" he chuckled

"You could poison me with cyanide~"

"Don't care as long as we both die~"

"If not we could jump off a cliff~"

"Or even fall in a snake pit~"


"The fuck is this shit?!" I whisper shouted to my short grape headed friend

"So author-chan refuses to give me a lemon, but wastes a whole ass chapter on this odd fuckery?!?!"

The two of us backed away before they could notice us.

"What a pair of creepy fucks..."

Just another book of bnha one shots..I think?Where stories live. Discover now