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"I'll walk him out" Jungkook told as Minjae stood up, it had been a little over 2 hours since Minjae arrived.

The three had eaten dinner and talked a ton, Jungkook couldn't help but feel like he was a play boy, he said he had like 5 kids but then later said it was a joke and that he only had one.

And to Jungkook's surprise Minjae's kid was the same age as him.

But anyways that wasn't the only thing Jungkook thought made him seem like a play boy, Jungkook caught him looking at Hyerin's breast twice to much, when Jungkook went to the bathroom he came back to them hugging.

There was nothing weird about that, well apart from the fact that Minjae's hands were on Hyerin's ass.

Of course when Jungkook came in he moved his hands up, but just barely, his fingers were a little too close to her butt and Jungkook felt sick.

So he thought that when Minjae left he would offer to walk him too his car –since Minjae had mentioned it was quite far from the house– and teach him a lesson while he was at it.

"Well thank you" Minjae said though he didn't really sound sincere "no problem let me just get my jacket" the boy replied and Minjae nodded before Jungkook dashed out the room to get jacket his.

By the time Jungkook came back, Minjae was putting on his shoes, the younger boy also put his shoes on then they left and Hyerin waved them off.

At first it was silent but when they reached Minjae's car Minjae said his goodbyes and as he was getting in the car Jungkook spoke.

"Hey Minjae" he said, it was kinda rude since Jungkook had been calling him Hyung before that but Minjae didn't say much just got out of the car with a screw face.

"Don't let me catch you touching my mum or looking at her breast again, or I'll fucking end the whole relationship" he said before walking away.

Maybe some people wouldn't see a problem because it was her boyfriend but to Jungkook it was disgusting.

How could he be just looking at her breast when she was talking and when her son was right there.

He spent majority of his time looking at her body then at her face, not to mention how many times Jungkook caught him touching her under the table.

And almost every time he hugged her his hands looked like they were about to touch her butt.

All while her son was there, it was disgusting, if he wants to touch her he should do it when they were alone, in a bed room, not at the dinner table where Jungkook was.


"So what did you think of Minjae?" Hyerin questioned leaning on the door frame

Jungkook had gotten home about 20 minutes ago,  he was playing a game on his phone in his room, when his mother had knocked on the door.

To which he shouted 'come in', when she opened the door he had a smile in her lips as she leant against the door and asked the question.

"Is he a player or something he touches you way too much!" Jungkook kept his eyes on his game not looking at his mother once.

"He was..and....he told me he would change for me, and he has, he's only with me, he just likes physical contact" She informed.

"So do I, does that mean I can punch him in the face?" Jungkook asked finally looking up at his mum.

"I know you better than anyone, you were uncomfortable and don't say it was because I was there, you never once looked at me as though you felt uncomfortable. It was always looking down or up, or anywhere him and I weren't" Jungkook hissed.

His mother just stayed silent, he looked back down at his game before speaking again "Tell him to stop, cause if I catch him doing it again I'll tell him I like physical contact than punch him in the face".

"I'll talk to him about it but just don't punch him" Hyerin spoke before walking away.


"So how did it go?" Jimin asked, it was currently 9:30am and the two boys were walking to school together.

They had agreed to meet at a shop,  and after Jungkook asking how yesterday was for Jimin the younger had asked about how it went.

How meeting Minjae went.

"Yeah it was alright, I'll probably beat the shit out of him the next time I see him" Jungkook told.

"Why? Was he a dick? Did your mum dump him? Already?" Jimin asked "no she didn't dump him, he just made unfunny jokes about how he has 6 kids and then told dumb stories about his life, stories that no-one cares about, then he kept staring at mum's chest and touching her under the table and then he toucher her but when they hugged" Jungkook explained.

"When he left I spoke to mum and she said he likes affection, so I said something like I do too does that mean I can punch him? Long story short I told her to talk to him because I was gonna punch him if I saw him doing it again" Jungkook finsihed.

A deep sigh left Jimin's lips "goodness kook, If I said that to my mum she would have beat my ass and then given me a lecture of how disrespectful I was as well as say I was cute for looking out for her" Jimin stated as they approached the school.

"Look she was uncomfortable, there is no way he was going to touch her while she's uncomfortable and I'm just gonna be like yeah this is the best show of my life" the younger rolled his eyes.

"Ok, let's talk about something else did you find that boy you bumped into yesterday??" Jimin asked.

"No, I wasn't looking for him" Jungkook told "are you serious??  Why not??" Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"I was busy, when I got home mum made me clean my room then I started playing my game then that guy came round then I went back to playing my game" Jungkook ranted.

"Well then you gotta look for him today" Jimin grabbed onto Jungkook's arm as they entered school "why?" He asked.

"Because your clearly interested in him, I know you didn't look for him because you thought it was better to look at school isn't it??" Jimin wiggled his eyebrows.

And Jungkook just rolled his eyes though there was a faint blush on his cheeks and a small smile playing on his lips, Jimin wasn't wrong.

"Will you help me?" Jungkook asked "of course" Jimin grinned.


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