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"Your moving out tomorrow??" Jimin squeaked "yep and I'm not happy about it" the younger sighed, he, Jimin and Taehyung were in there class room-with a few other students.

There was a little over 10 minutes untill the teacher came, Jungkook was telling the two about how he was moving out tomorrow.

"I don't wanna live with that guy" Jungkook sighed "if his son is like him and he touches you then punch him" Jimin told.

"I will don't worry" Jungkook assured "he'll probably be straight though" Jimin added and Jungkook nodded.

"It'll be weirder for Jungkook if he's not" Taehyung stated "that's true since Jungkook's not straight" Jimin smiled.

"I meant because Jungkook  is straight" Taehyung corrected "But Jungkook's not, his crush is literally a boy" Jimin teased.

"Jimin" Jungkook whined his cheeks turning pink "it's true he's a boy and he acts like a top but Jungkook would probably top him" Jimin sighed.

"Jungkook? I don't think he would top, I mean maybe he would top a girl but not a boy" Taehyung joined in on teasing Jungkook "guys stop" Jungkook's blush was definitely noticeable.

"I don't think so" Jimin replied to Taehyung totally ignoring what Jungkook had just said "Jungkook would you top your crush?" Taehyung asked, Jungkook covered his face saying "I don't know it depends on what he likes, I don't even know his sexuality" Jungkook sighed.

"I mean what if he's straight? What I he's completely not interested in me?" Jungkook asked "that's easy,  Taehyung what's your sexuality?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook's eyes widened "Jimin!" He practically screamed standing up to strangle his best friend "what does this have to do with me?" Taehyung asked "just anwser the question" Jimin said.

And Jungkook was too interested in the anwser to strangle Jimin so he sat back down "I don't really think about it if your a boy and I like you then I like you but what does the have to do with me?" He asked again.

"Jungkook's crush is alot like you so he would probably see it similar to the way you see it" Jimin lied Jungkook just glared at him.

"Right.." Taehyung nodded.


Saturday came round faster then Jungkook had expected and he was already getting ready for the party when the door bell rang.

Hyerin went to get it, and jungkook sighed he wasn't excited "Jungkook, Minjae is here come help with the stuff" Hyerin shouted from downstairs.

A sigh left Jungkook's lips before he ran downstairs, he quietly greeted Minjae before helping with the stuff.

It didn't take to long as they were only taking there belongings since the house had come with furniture they didn't have to move much.

Once they were done Hyerin handed Jungkook the keys and told him to lock up once he left and that she had already sent him the address to their new house so when he finished at the party to make his way there.

Jungkook nodded before saying his goodbyes, he watched them drive away before going inside to finish getting ready.

20 minutes later and Jungkook was ready, he locked up the house before jumping in his car and driving to Miyeon's house where the party would be held.


"Hey" Miyeon greeted Jungkook when she found him at her party "hey" Jungkook smiled at her "this is really a party" he said.

There was loud music blasting through small speakers food spread out on lots of different tables.

And a bar where you could only order none alcoholic drinks unless you were abouve 18, something Jungkook wasn't.

"It is, I hope you have fun" she smiled before running off Jungkook just nodded to himself before he felt someone tap his shoulder.

He turned around to be met with his best friend "were you not gonna tell me you showed up?" Jimin asked.

"I just got here not long ago" Jungkook smiled only then did he notice the drink in Jimin's hand "what's that?" He asked.

"A drink a guy gave me I don't like it though" Jimin sighed "let me taste it" Jungkook took the cup, he took a sip before deciding on how it tasted.

"It taste nice to me" Jungkook stated "you can have it then" Jimin assured "are you sure we should be taking drinks from random people though?" Jungkook asked.

"He took it off a tray that a girl was giving out I'm sure it's fine" Jimin told and Jungkook nodded "alright I'm gonna go look for someone to talk to you go find Taehyung" Jimin rushed off not giving Jungkook the time to reply.

The boy sighed chugging down his drink before walking off to find Taehyung.

After about 5 minutes of wandering around Jungkook started to feel really tired but aroused at the same time, he felt like he needed to be touch.

He felt himself growing really hot, really horny, he slowly made his way to a wall, he leaned against it, breathing heavy he looked down at his body.

He felt so fucking hot "I need to get out of here" he sighed looked up, as he did he noticed Taehyung, the boy he had been looking for.

Taehyung also spotted him and smiled making his way towards to him.

Jungkook had began sliding down to the floor though when be realized  that things wouldn't go to well if Taehyung was around Jungkook, Jungkook began standing up.

And by the time Taehyung was close enough to hug Jungkook the younger  walked away.

He felt so heavy, it was hard to walk and Taehyung quickly grabbed onto his arm which pulled him back.

Jungkook stumbled onto Taehyung just that little bit of touch made him feel so much worse, so turned on he felt himself growing hard.

He pulled away from Taehyung who pulled him back and finally spoke "Jungkook what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked.

Jungkook only started to fall in his arms, Taehyung sighed before pulling the younger over to sit down.

Taehyung sat first before placing Jungkook next to him though Jungkook was so out of it that he didn't even try to move.

"Jungkook what happened?" Taehyung asked he could feel Jungkook's heavy breaths on his neck but not for long as he slightly pushing Jungkook back, just enough to see his face.

Taehyung stared at the younger boy wandering what on earth was going, Jungkook's hand moved to Taehyung's face as he leaned closer and whispered two words;

"T-touch me"


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