Chapter 10

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Violetta's POV:

V: "I'm a singer, I actually haven't had that question asked in a long time."

Da: "So are you like famous, is there a song of you that I would know?"

V: "Well on the famous question, yes I am kind of famous. I don't know if you know any of my songs, depends on what you listen to."

Da: "Well I didn't listen to much music on my trip, but I listened to the radio sometimes."

V: "Well then I guess you could know some of my songs, the ones that have been on the radio."

Da: "What are the titles?"

V: "Well if you would know any I think that 'Shout out to my ex' and 'Easy' are the most known ones. The first one was on the radio for the first time about a year ago and the second one has been on the radio for a couple of weeks now."

Da: "I don't know if I have heard those ones, maybe you can come and sing them to me tonight."

I felt Leon tense up next to me and he squeezed my leg a bit, since he had his hand on my leg. Also, why is Daniël still trying? I thought I made it very clear that I'm not interested, he knows I'm married to his cousin, what more does it take for him to back of?!

V: "Hard pass, but no."

Da: "Ah come on, it'll be fun I promise."

Daniël moved his hand to touch my leg, so I took his hand and placed it back onto the table. He then tried again so I placed it back onto the table again with a serious look on my face. Like really how old is he, 16? He is supposed to behave like the 30 year old he is not like a teenager.

Ab: "Daniël behave yourself, you can see that she doesn't like it when you put your hand on her leg so don't. Besides you don't flirt with your cousins wife, that's just disrespectful towards both of them. I don't know where it went wrong with you I tried to raise you better then that. You're 30, act like it."

Da: "Mom she is just playing, she likes it but she is playing hard to get."

I saw Abby put a hand against her head and I saw Trace shake his head, I saw that Leon was about to say something when I beat him to it.

V: "I think that I made it very clear that I'm not interested, I'm married and that is not something made to be broken."

Da: "But all things..."

V: "...are meant to be broken. I know you've told me enough times today and I disagree, but if you believe that then I understand why you're 30 and still single. Aside from the behaviour like a 16 year old of course."

L: "You're a good guy Daniël, but I really don't appreciate it if you flirt with my wife."

Da: "Okay, okay, I'll back off. I just know what, it doesn't matter."

V: "What did you think?"

Da: "I was just getting mixed signals, I really thought you were just playing hard to get with me."

V: "Well then you should really upgrade your people skills, because I was for sure not flirting with you."

Ab: "So, can we stop talking about this now. Violetta and Leon are married and happy and you Daniël just interpreted it wrong."

The rest of dinner was nice, we had some nice conversations and it was great to get to know Leon's family some more. Late that night we returned to our hotel and soon got in bed and fell asleep.

The next morning we got up and got some breakfast at the hotel restaurant. We decided that we should go to the pool today since it was very sunny. When we got to the pool we found a nice spot and put our things down, I laid down to get a tan while Leon got in the pool.

???: "Hello!"

V: "Hi?"

Juan: "I'm Juan"

V: "I'm Violetta"

Juan: "Nice to meet you Violetta! I have to say Violetta, you look very beautiful."

V: "Thank you?"

Juan: "Can I get you a drink?"

V: "No thanks, I'm good."

Juan: "So, what is a pretty girl like you doing here all by herself?"

V: "I was just getting a tan, I didn't feel like swimming yet, my..."

Juan: "Swimming is just fun for a few minutes, getting a tan and having a conversation with a beautiful companion is much better."

V: "Are you flirting with me?"

Juan: "Is it that obvious?"

V: "Yes, I'm flattered but not interested."

Juan: "Are you really going to turn someone like me down, do you even know who I am?"

V: "Well yes I'm going to turn you down and no I don't know who you are."

Juan: "I'm a celebrity around here, I'm a social media influencer. I'm guessing your not from around here, otherwise you would have known me."

V: "No I'm not from around here, I'm from Argentina. I'm here on my honeymoon."

Juan: "Did you say honeymoon, because I don't see your husband."

V: "Well that's what I was trying to tell you, but you interrupted me. I wanted to get a tan while my husband is swimming."

Juan: "Still, I'm famous wouldn't you rather have me that him."

V: "First of all, no I love him so I don't want you. Second of all, he is famous too and not just in Argentina, but all around the world."

Juan: "Really? Do I know him?"

V: "I don't know if you know him, his name is Leon Vargas, he is a member of All 4 you. My full name is Violetta Vargas-Castillo."

Juan: "You're Violetta Castillo?"

So there it is, the next chapter.

Sorry it took so long I'm trying to update once every two weeks, I'm just very busy lately.

I would really like to hear what you think of this chapter.

Also if anyone has ideas for the story, they are more then welcome.

Love you all, stay safe and until next time!

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