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"Was it a dream
I think I saw you

When I open my eyes again  The room's empty"


His dull eyes gaze the dark sky as rain pour over his window as if greeting him, even when the thunder roared he remain unfazed by it instead he stared at it like its the most fascinating thing ever.

He knew he would not get a wink of sleep when the news weather said there's gonna be  a storm coming tonight but he does not mind instead he took a chair placing it near the glass window just so he could have a better look at the rain.

Your smiling face pops up in his mind as a soft smile graze his lips. He missed you a lot. Everything about you. Your bright smile that lit up his whole world, your carefree laughs he could just hear it everyday without getting bored basically all of you. Now that you are not here, he craved for those things.

He remembered when you told him, you love the rain and now he never sleeps during storms. Not that he is afraid because they remind him of you.

Another lightning strike across the sky making the house shook a bit.

He could almost hear you laughing sweetly in the rain while he holds you tightly twirling in the rain with no worries. 

He closes his eyes recalling the memory as tears escape his eyes.

4 years ago in Paris

"I wish I could picture this scenery. This moment" you gazed up at your boyfriend who was already had his eyes trained on you with a soft smile as he nodded his head.

He snuggled closer to you more burying his face at the croak of your neck, a sigh escape your lips loving the warmth his body radiates onto yours. It's almost midnight and we were just cuddling with each other after our intimate moment, enjoying Paris view outside from our hotel room.

Until it started to rain your eyes lit up in excitement, it rained and rained non stop but the smile did not disappear once. Then something came up in your mind, you got up from his arms to looked at him.

"Let's have an adventure!" you grinned 

Jungkook raised a brow but could not hide his smile at you. Not you. He could not hide anything from you, you knew his secrets and he knew yours. You are like his soul who gave him life. He could not say no to you. His queen.

"Sure my love" He replied with the same excitement 

You got up from bed still half naked grabbing the sheets to hide your body as you went to the closet grabbing some clothes. From the distant you could hear him chuckling saying something about he had seen all of you already.

You continued to ignore him before putting on a blue sundress that reach your midthigh while Jungkook confidently stride over you with all his glory showing without shame. He pecks a kiss on your forehead before slipping in a shirt and jeans.

"I look a mess" You pouted

Jungkook chuckled grabbing your pouty face in his warm hands placing a kiss on your lips.

"My mess" He said

You merely giggled intertwining your hands together as you both dashed out of the hotel room entering the elevator. You could not hide the excitement as you jump lightly on your feet. We got out of the elevator to the ground floor.

Rain keeps on pouring but it did not stop them one bit in fact its just did not stop them. Not even the receptionist who kept on telling us that it was pouring rain outside. 

"You ready?" You said wiggling your eyebrows

Jungkook tightened his hold on your hand as he nods his head. That's the signal, you both dashed out of the building as the rain started to wet your clothes but they give zero fucks. While people were inside sheltering themselves from the rain, Jungkook and you decide to make another memory in the rain.

Jungkook twirled you around playfully as you laugh out loud making him laugh also before crashing on his chest. You threw your head back feeling the water on your skin. 

"People must think we are crazy" He said but you just shrugged before pulling him somewhere else

This is exactly why he had fall in love with you. You were so unafraid and carefree it makes him feel alive whenever he is with you, then there's another side of you the caring and loving side You can never do any wrong in his eyes. He loves you that much and he knows you love him as much.

"There's a place I want to take you" He said while you were still dragging him who god knows where but still lets you. 

You finally stop near a big fountain before turning giving him your whole attention. He slowly snaked his arms around your waist while your arms wrap around his neck smiling through your wet hair that sticks to your forehead.

"The Pont des Arts and the Pont de L'Archeveche. These are two Parisian bridges which have come to embody love, with a tradition.  Lovers from around the world come to leave padlocks of all shapes and sizes, engraved with their names or initials." His voice soft filled with love

You smiled with adoration, running a hand through his hair as he closes his eyes loving the feeling. You always love that he is very intelligent spitting out history or facts. Its so sexy. You would believed every word he told you everyday you learn something new with him.

He is not just book smart but street smart too. Jungkook was always one step ahead.

"How are you so smart and hot at the same time?" Jungkook simpered at your words shaking his head.

"Its just what I read in books and hear in television" 

You smiled getting on your toes kissing him passionately as he equally kiss you back with such intensity and adoration poured in his lips he did not want to let go. You both pull back to catch your breath.

"I love you" You whispered

Jungkook melted in your arms he love hearing you said that. Your love was extraordinary that others could see in their eyes. Love so out of the world that people will kill to have a love like theirs.

"I love you more my angel" 

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