Baku!Osomatsu x Reader

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Inspired by shimmering_clouds's prompt.

I weakly opened my eyes to a crawling darkness covering everything I could see, dark shapes shifting about in the far distance as I tried to figure out what kind of forms they were making. Pushing myself up from the ground and glancing around me, I took a few steps back as several dark shapes began to converge nearby, shifting into monstrous figures. A multitude of distorted eyes opened through the darkness, swiveling around until the large red pupils locked onto my still form.

My voice lodged itself into my throat as fear began to claw at my chest, turning around and running from the monstrous humanoids. I cried out in terror as I fell forward, my legs immobilized by something tightly wrapping around them and my chin colliding with the ground. Sharp pain lanced up my legs as I felt several needles pierce through the skin, making me scream as I was lifted up into the air by whatever grappled my legs.

My scream died into a whimper as the figures coalesced into a massive wave of black liquid, surging towards me before crashing over my head.

I stood up with a yelp, taking in deep breaths while staring at several pages of paper underneath my sprawled fingers that were pressed against a wooden surface. A loud band sounded behind me, making me flinch and slowly look back to see a chair haphazardly leaning against a partial wall behind me.

"Ms. (Y/n), I trust that you're able to carry on from where Mr. Raizo left off?" A demanding voice called out from somewhere in front of me, my colored gaze shifting to see a large crowd of people all looking at me. My heart started racing as I heard soft snickering and whispering among the crowd, seeing a single woman standing the furthest away from me with her right hand holding up a small white stick against a tall wall of green.

"I..." I spoke before gathering my thoughts, realizing that I had fallen asleep in the middle of a lecture, "I'm sorry, Professor Choroko...I fell asleep."

A wave of hushed laughter rippled through the crowd of students as I rushed to sit back down, picking up my pencil and quickly scribbling down the notes that were on the blackboard, my head sinking closer to the desk in shame with every passing second.

Professor Choroko continued speaking about unusual types of chemical bonds and the irregularities that each type had, carrying on with the lecture as if nothing had happened. Soon enough, Professor Choroko dismissed the class and the students scrambled to leave the lecture hall quickly while I stayed behind to finish up the last sentence that I thought would be important from the teacher's lecture.

"Ms. (Y/n)," Professor Choroko's voice startled me from my concentration, flinching a little as I realized that she had made it all the way to my seat without me noticing, "This is the sixteenth time that you've fallen asleep in my class."

It wasn't a question or concern with the strict tone she spoke.

"I'm sorry," I lowered my gaze to my paperwork, slowly shoving it into a rough pile before closing the folder over it, "It's been a...rough few months."

"I won't be so forgiving next time," The professor gave a sigh before walking away, "If this class is too difficult for you to pay attention to, you still have a week to drop out of it before you're penalized."

My colored hues darted up to the back of her head, "No, I need this class! I'll figure out something so I can stay please don't kick me out of class!"

"University isn't like that, Ms. (Y/n)," Professor Choroko barely glanced back at me from over her shoulder, "Your own actions will determine how well you do."

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