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Summary: When one is hurt, comfort is imperative.

Time has always had a funny way of making itself scarce when needed most. It seemed that you could barely remember the trial, like it had never happened and all that remained to prove that it had were the restraints locked tight around each of your wrists and your neck. Above you sounded the molten, fatal buzz of the plasma guillotine, though it was mere background noise to the riotous cacophony of the rabid crowd awaiting your final moment. As you knelt, trembling against the icy durasteel, face frozen under cold-stuck tears, you tried and failed to settle into acceptance that this would be your last act of life.

"Please," you whimpered, unsure if anyone could hear you, "I... I saved that man's life. I didn't hurt anyone. I don't deserve to die for keeping my oath." You tried to scream but the pleads were barely whispers.

Out of sight came a bellowed laugh, full and ragged just as it had been in the past. "That isn't why you're here, young officer." Snoke could hardly contain his glee. "You're forgetting, you may have saved one life, but you took another."

Nausea waved through you and your head started pounding; Snoke's presence was pain, magnified with each echo of his words as the arena shook against the surround sound. An uproar of cheers and chanting came from before you, the crowd booming with enthusiasm, hanging off of every word their Supreme Leader spoke.

Through the fog of terrified eyes you saw an image appear behind the audience, scaling the entire back wall and striking you with rage. A scrollbar read something you could only assume to be his First Order given name, your focus too centered on the enormous projection of Robbie's face, smiling while he held his helmet tight against his chest. He looked too nice, just as he'd seemed when you gave him a name. He was being renowned as a hero, his death marking you as the villain.

"I... He! I was defending myself, he was going to kill me!"

"But instead you killed me."

This voice was angelic, familiar and welcoming in the storm surrounding you. It was accompanied by the footsteps you'd become so fond of, coming closer with every panted breath that fell from your lips. Kylo crowded your view of the blinding screen, a cape trailing in his path. He stopped when he was centered in your view and crouched so he was eye level with you.

He wore no mask, nothing to conceal his beautiful visage as the sight of him constricted your heart. When was the last you'd seen him? It felt like it had been so long, yet you could barely grasp any concept of time. It was frustrating, like you were barred in your memory. Kylo's face gave no indication into his emotions, yet for a fleeting moment you swore you saw a tear glint over his cheek.

"Yet another of your victims, yes?" Snoke remained hidden, his voice shifting between your ears, slithering like the snake he was.

"You made me! I had no-,"

"Choice." It was a discordant wrath of voices; at first Kylo's, then Snoke's, trailing off with the whispers of Robbie's and Mason's.

Kylo brought one hand, bare and freezing, to your cheek. It hadn't been there before, but his face was now split with the consequences of battle, a gash – open, pulsating, and weeping – ripping through his features. A shiver sank into you, you throat tightening.

The way in which he next breathed your name made you weep, his thumb catching the tear that burned into your skin. "You've always had a choice, remember? You just keep making-,"

"The wrong ones." You finished his sentence, remembering the first time he'd said it. A futile attempt was made to reach for his hand, a sting coming as the restraint bit into your wrist.

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