Chapter 10: The Demon Cat Shows His Skills

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Meanwhile, back on earth, Nairo was having his own dreams. He was alone in what seemed like a grand palace. Golden light on caramel colored walls, hung with ornate tapestries and paintings. Elegant, tall women wearing beautiful dresses of red, white, and green were accompanied by taller elegant men in fancy suits of a victorian designs with top hats. Everyone was laughing, drinking, and dancing. An orchestra played smooth music, clarinets and violins and flutes and pianos setting the steps to the waltz before them. Nairo looked down, and noticed he was wearing a royal blue suit, and black shoes that reflected crystal chandeliers above. He felt above his head and saw he was wearing a matching top hat with a peacock feather stuck through it. Nairo grinned, drinking in the rich scene around him. The smell of honey roasted meat wafted towards him, along with the bitter-sweet smell of fine wines. Nairo looked around, but the mass of party goers made seeing more than a few feet away impossible. Nairo started to maneuver through the crowd, and eventually made his way to the edge of the party, near a painting of a tall man in purple robes and a silver curved sword.

Nairo looked about for the food and drink he sought, but found none. Suddenly, the orchestra stopped. The change was as profound as an explosion. Everyone fell silent and turned to the stairs at the end of the hall. Nairo gasped. Coming down those red carpeted stairs was none other than the woman who had met him at Alaric's castle. She now wore her hair up in a braid of chocolate tresses. Her blue shone even from across the room. She wore an elegant white gown with a red trim. She was radiant.

She descended the stairs, men knelt and women curtsied. A man stood at the top of the stairs and shouted to the masses below.

"Hear now, the commands of our host, Lady Libidine Animo!" Everyone clapped, and then fell silent. The air was still, no one spoke. No one breathed.

"Who shall I pick to dance with?" She asked casually enough, but the room erupted, each man surged forward to offer. Libidine smiled and shook her head to each man in turn as they crowded around her.

Nairo found himself drawn to her, like a magnet. He took a step towards her, then another. As he neared, the other men faded away, like smoke. Libidine turned to see him. He knelt to her, sweeping his hat from his head. She smiled and offered him her hand. He took it, kissed it, then stood. In life, Nairo was as clumsy dancer as had ever disgraced the earth, but in this dream, they glided across the floor, dipping, turning, spinning, and flying. Throughout the dance, Libidine looked Nairo in the eyes, a warm smile on her face. The song ended and the pair spun to a stop, and everyone clapped. They bowed to one another, then Libidine gestured for Nairo to follow her.

She led him up the stairs to her chambers. She sat on the end of her massive four poster bed. Her room was a warm golden yellow with white and just a touch of vermillion. She patted the spot next to her, and he sat next to her.

"So, you know who I am?" She asked, and Nairo shook his head,

"You were the woman from Alaric's castle." She smiled,

"Why yes I am. But I think you know I'm more than that." Nairo pondered for a minute.

"You're a goddess?" He asked, and she laughed. Like pure water crashing over crystal.

"You flatter me, Nairo. No, I'm not a goddess. I'm a spirit. A manifestation of your desires." She stood and spun, transforming as she did. Before him stood Arachne, wearing a beautiful black gown, her hair braided beautifully. And she was smiling. The tiny smile that showed only her fangs. The one she had showed him when they'd first met. The one she smiled when they worked on their project. The smile he'd fell in love with.

"You desire the love and affection of your friend." It wasn't a question, but Nairo nodded nonetheless. Libidine tsked and turned back to her own form.

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