Chapter 11: Battle And Meeting New Allies

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Kami wove a scene of the battle. Two fighters, both with swords, both incredibly powerful. The battle ranged all over the plain, the two seemingly clashing, then breaking apart, then clashing again. Tiny craters ranged around the battleground. There was no blood, however. Kami found this odd,

"No way someone wouldn't have taken at least a nick..." He muttered to himself. He didn't have to wait long. He followed the battle's course until he found a point where a blow had been dealt. The charred grass was a rust brown of dried blood. He plucked a blade of grass and held it to his eyes. He rubbed the grass between his fingers, and flakes of the stuff came off. He sniffed it and frowned.

"Not human. And not demon either." He whistled to the others, who came to him. He gestured to the ground, and a few gasped. Mia looked away.

"Do you know what that blood came from?" Mogasi asked as she was the calmest one and Kami shook his head, unsure of what could the creature whose blood would be that color. Mogasi looked at the color and growled.

"This comes from a human that has a relation with a god, but not a Demigod." The goddess of speed said and Togaru swore he heard the whispering of Amogaru in his head. He pushed it away as his nerves of being in this place. Kami looked at Togaru with suspicion but didn't seem to care outwardly. He snapped his head one way and summoned one of his kunai to fight whatever he heard, someone with a sword.

A dark figure cleaved down at him with a longsword. The creature looked like congealed black smoke, but he was caporeal. The blade missed Kami's head, but the figure swung again, and the cat flipped backward. The creature tried to cut again, but the Spirit twins charged at him, weapons at the ready. Furorem stabbed the attacker in the back of the leg, while Fortitudo stabbed him in the chest. Or tried, as each weapon bounced off the creature without so much as a scratch.

"The hell?" Furorem shouted before taking a smoky heel to the mouth. He fell on his back. The creature turned to deliver the final blow, but Kami kicked the thing in the back. The creature barely staggered. Still, Furorem had enough time to stand. The black monster attacked Kami, trying to slash him from hip to shoulder. The demon managed to dodge once again.

Amelia joined the fray, throwing her whip around its ankle, and trying to pull. But the whip pulled through his ankle as if he were an illusion. The monster turned on her and cut at her with insane speed, but she was able to avoid the attack. She launched her left fist into its cheek. She yowled in pain, it was like punching a brick wall. It redoubled his attack, trying to cut her at the waist. A staff appeared in the way, blocking the attack. Katherine stood there, determination in her eyes. She held the blade there as Kami, Furorem and Fortitudo all attacked it's back. Nothing happened. The creature tried to kick Katherine away, but was blasted in the face by a skull looking device. The Gaster Blaster faded away, leaving the creature whole. He seemed more surprised than anything. Katherine teleported away as it stabbed at her.

"What is this thing?!" Arachne shouted, as she threw a thick web around it, trying to stop it. The creature cut through the webs like they were tissue paper. Nobody answered, nobody knew either.

"We can't stop it!" Sarah shouted, panicking. She loosed arrow after arrow at it, but they all shattered as they hit his skin. "Go away!" Mogasi surged past the girl, striking the monster with a rapier. The blade bent as she stabbed him in the chest, as if he were steel. She parried his riposte, retreating frantically. The monster kept coming, slashing with inhuman speeds. Its blade was everywhere, making a black tunnel. Even the goddess of speed was impressed. She had no trouble parrying the blows, but it boded ill that he could move this fast.

"What is this thing?" Shouted Kami, throwing a Kunai, hoping to distract the monster. The rose weapon was ignored as it bounced off its shoulder. The monster kept attacking the Goddess, hissing like steam as it did. The monster stopped suddenly and charged Kami, taking him by surprise. He would have been killed had a blur not grabbed him out of the way. The dead Demigods were helping how they could.

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