Chapter 16: The Ruler Of All Returns

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"Fuck you, I am awake!" Togaru growled, now he was holding his head and growled in pain. Ryu realized what was going on.

"Togaru, no! Fight him!" The young boy shouted, making the others on edge.

"The hell?" Spencer asked, summoning two swords and tossing one to Alaric. Everyone else drew their weapons, or morphed into a monster form. Togaru screamed and writhed,

"Run!" He shouted, screeching in pain, "Run!" Mokali ran forward to her adopted son, and threw her arms around him.

"Fight him, Togaru! Fight him!" She implored. Ryu ran forward as well. Togaru started steaming and smoking black. He rolled onto his side and vomited blood on the grass. It was a very metallic red, the blood of a demigod.

"RAAAAAGGHHHHH!" Togaru roared, and Spencer felt his blood go cold. He'd heard this roar. The spirit twins landed beside Spencer, silent as they pulled their weapons from nowhere.

Togaru's voice gave out as he screamed, his voice now a hoarse whisper as he screamed. Suddenly, there was a blinding flash, and a sound like a thunderclap. Ryu was blasted away, tumbling end over end down the hill and out of sight. Everyone else skidded backwards, and Spencer held out his hands for the twins to merge with him. In an instant, Spencer stood in his True Paladin Form. He knew who this was, and he didn't like their odds.

There was no longer Togaru being hugged by Mokali, really Mokali was no longer hugging this being. No, this being had the goddess by the throat. And this being is the now reborn Amogaru.

"Foolish mortal minded weakling!" Amogaru laughed at the choking ruler. "To think you had power to defeat me those few years ago is laughable." The god applies more pressure to Mokali's neck, making her squirm for a few seconds before going limp. Tomala saw this and screamed her rage and charged. The golden eyed god simply looked at the goddess of war before throwing the other at the charging one. Both were too weak to fight this reborn and stronger Amogaru. The newly revived Demigods backed away, not wanting to return to Defuhu by the hand of the one who took their lives in the first place.

"Katie!" Spencer shouted, looking down at the fallen goddess. His cousin, who had never fallen before for all the time they'd fought together. She couldn't be dead. No, she was fine. She'd move any second, surely. But she didn't...

Tears filled Spencer's eyes. He looked up to where the God stood, amused.

"You bastard!" Spencer shouted, glowing brighter. The wind picked up, and an eerie music played. Spencer's soul appeared in front of his chest, glowing orange with caps of white and black. Spencer screamed, and charged the God.

Amogaru smirked with Togaru's face, katars appearing in his hands. He slashed at Spencer as he ran forward. Spencer barely had time to block with his shield, wincing at the blow. He heard Fortitudo cry out in his mind, and Spencer glanced at his shield. To his horror, cracks were spreading across it. Spencer growled and kept going, striking at Amogaru's smiling face at the speed of lightning. Togaru caught it between the spokes of his left Katar, stopping the Paladin. He twisted his hand, and the black blade snapped in two. Furorem screamed as he fell, broken. Before Spencer could react, the right Katar pierced his chest.

Amogaru laughed as he lifted Spencer off the ground, staring him in the face. Spencer looked down at the monster who had him, despair and regret his last feelings as Amogaru opened his Katar spokes and Spencer was sliced in two.

Sarah watched in horror as this happened, she froze when the god looked to her. He started to walk toward her as he gained a smirk.

"So, this is one of the children of Mokali. Weak like her mother, but you could be useful." The god said with a smirk but was flung back with a bone. Katherine appeared behind Sarah with a violent look on her face.

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