Part 18

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I smiled as I sat with my pancakes beside benny, Beth sat leant on the sofa drinking straight from a bottle of wine, Benny sat on the floor having his pancakes on his usual pillow as he had put our mattress back in our bedroom so we had room on the floor to function, Matt and mike's air bed back in the cupboard everyone wrapped up in blankets and there jumpers where it was very cold this morning the snow gently falling against the little windows. Jolene sat with her pancakes having them bathed in syrup as she laid on the sofa, Matt and mike sat under the tree with there waffles, Harry sat in the chair still having packed away his pillow but kept his blanket as he had his waffle. Towens cross legged beside the chair with his own pancake and his small amount of syrup that he battled Jolene for. I shivered a little moving closer to benny and he smiled wrapping an arm around me, as soon as everyone was done I gathered up he plates and put them in the sink as benny gave everyone a glass of wine 

"Y/n come on, its alright come sit with everyone for presents" Harry says 

"Five minuets I just have to put dinner on" I explain putting the turkey in the oven that I had prepped all of yesterday

"Y/n your working you butt off come on and relax for a while, as soon as we're done with presents everyone will help out with something for dinner" Towens explained 

"Cone on honey, sit down and open your presents" Benny smiled patting beside him, I smiled and put the oven on going and sitting with him. 

"Presents first or dress first?" I asked 

"Ohh yeah I would like pants " Harry added

"Ehh I'm good" Townes shrugged

"I'm going to get my dress on" I smiled giving benny a kiss and going to the bedroom and getting into my dress and my stockings, when I got back Beth and Jolene went into the bedroom to get changed harry already dressed and matt in the bathroom, Towens getting dressed in the middle of the Livingroom "Am I okay?" I asked 

"You look beautiful honey" Benny smiled giving me a kiss and holding my hand squeezing it gently

"Awww you look sweet y/n, you always wear the green and red dresses at Christmas" Towens smiled

"They are my festive dresses" I smiled doing a little spin 

"Aww we all look beautiful" Beth smiled as her and Jolene returned now dressed, Benny hurried in not wanting to get dressed in front of everyone as Mike headed into the bathroom as matt came out 

"We do" I smiled "Go on we can get started on presents" I smiled 

"wooo!" Harry smiled as him and matt headed under the tree excitedly digging though the presents "Beth... Y/n, Towens" He explained handing gifts out as he found them as I sat on the cushion as the girls went back to the sofa "Wait... Benjamin?" 

"Wait? What?" Beth laughs 

"It says Benjamin... wait? Is that benny's actual name?" Jolene laughs 

"Benjamin? Benjamin watts? Awww that's adorable!" Towens laughed 

"Ohh no" I laughed as everyone was giggling until mike came back and everyone told him making him laugh like crazy too, and soon enough the bedroom door opened

"what's everyone gigling about?" Benny asks

"Hi Benjamin" Beth giggled and I saw a look in benny's eyes

"who told you..." he asked slowly getting his knife from the table 

"It was on one of your presents benny" I smiled 

"I see." he sighed sitting with me 

"Benjamin" Harry laughed 

"see this is why I didn't tell any of you" He sighed 

"I think its sweet benny," I smiled giving him a kiss 

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