Part 24

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I smiled as I gathered up plates and glasses sorting everything out putting it all in the sink ready to do the washing up 

"Y/n, The washing up can wait until tomorrow."

"It can wait till tomorrow darling lets just sit and relax for tonight okay?" He suggested so I sighed and nodded we sat on the sofa his arm around me and I smiled laying on his chest with my glass of wine as he set the record player gently and softly playing some sweetie festive tunes "why didn't you tell me you could sing?"

"I assumed you knew"

"I knew you could sing but not... like that" He says 

"I have to keep some secrets from you benny"

"But you're my girlfriend? Shouldn't I know all your secrets"

"Then shouldn't I know all yours?"

"What secrets have I kept from you darling?" He asks

"My special present?" I giggled

"How did you find out!" He asks sitting up in shock

"Beth.. opened it benny and everyone made fun of you" I remind him

"Ohh right, that one" he says relaxing a little "Yeah well I wanted it to be a surprise"

"Did you now?" I smirked "I assumed you wanted that one hidden for after they where gone?" 

"A little yeah, Did you like it?"

"Very nice, very pretty. Maybe I can wear it tomorrow for our usual boxing day snuggle"

"Ohh maybe yo could wear it to be tonight?"

"maybe Benny, If your good"

"But its my Christmas wish" he smiled giving me a kiss 

"Is it, Maybe later benny I'm to tried to move" I told him

"Okay darling" He smiled kissing my head and holding me closer 

"Why did you panic about secret presents?" I asked 

"Well... there is another secret present I got for you that I was rather hoping that you didn't find it?" 

"Ohh well I haven't found any extra presents"


"Can I have it?"

"Alright, as its your last present" He smiled getting up giving my head a kiss and holding my hand "Shut your eyes" He says so I nodded shutting my eyes I heard him walk off into the apartment I sat listening for a while till he came back and took my hand picking me up from the sofa I went to open my eyes however he put a hand over my eyes "Hey! no peaking" He says 

"Sorry benny" I laughed keeping my eyes closed "what are you doing?" I asked as he pulled my head onto his shoulder and chest I smiled nuzzling my head onto his soft shirt as his hands sat on my hips and we gently swayed to the music softly dancing to the music 

"I'm dancing with you" He smiled kissing my head 

"Ummm okay benny" I smiled holding him tightly my warms around his waist "I thought I was getting my last present?" 

"You will, I just... wanna hold you for a while" he says "We've hardly spend any time together the last couple of days, being the hosts we didn't get to cuddle or really spend much time together at all"

"Well, It's Towens next year so we can cuddle on his couch"

"Umm But that's a whole year away"

"It is benny"

"A whole year of snuggling to make up for it my love"

"I'm proud of you for actually doing stuff and not just playing chess all day"

"I had to help else you'd do everything y/n" He says 

"It was very nice of you to help"

"I'm proud of you for doing it all, for hosting, Being a beautiful hosting lady, making an amazing dinner and for not drinking with Beth" He says kissing my head

"I did good?"

"Very good my darling" He smiled moving away from our little dance holding my hand I went to open my eyes but he stopped me "Keep them closed if you want your present" he laughs so I nodded keeping them closed trying hard not to peak "Y/n I wanted to keep this one a secret and made sure you got it last because its special that and I didn't want everyone to go nuts about it... I wanted this to be Just a moment for us" he explained squeezing my hand "I want to give you a very special present and I hope you like it" He smiled "You can open your eyes y/n"

I opened my eyes unsure what to expect and I saw him stood in front of me holding my hand sweetly with a small jewellery box in his other hand "Awww thank you benny" I smiled taking the box excitedly and giving him a kiss he smiled widely wrapping his arms around my waist his head on my shoulder I pushed open the box expecting some nice earrings or maybe a pretty necklace but when I opened the box I saw a beautiful ring with a huge Black Dimond with a circle of white glittering diamonds around it I gasped in shock looking at it "Ohh benny its beautiful!" I smiled almost crying 

"So?" he smiled taking it out the box and holding my hand again "Will you-" he began but I grabbed his face kissing him 

"Of course I will" I smiled 

"You really wanna marry me?"

"Benny! Of course I do" I smiled he smiled happily too putting the ring on my finger and happily kissing each other. 

A Queens Gambit Christmas Character story (ALL TQG CHARACTERS)Where stories live. Discover now