☆ The Witches Familiar ☆

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The world rapidly spun around all turning to a blur which was the only thing stopping {Y/n} from seeing anything.

Her head dizzy, as if all the blood had rushed to it.

Soon her vision clears enough for her to notice that she was currently dangiling upside down in the middle of a desert.

"Consider The Doctor. The Doctor, trapped. The Doctor, alone. You alright there, dear?" Missy asks.

{Y/n} looks over at her then up at her feet to see the piece of rope that trapped her.

"Where are we. How did we -"

"- Shh, now - Mummys talking. Okay, I'm going to tell you a story of the Doctor. It's a classic," she laughs, sharpening a stick into a spear.

"On the run, no TARDIS. No friends, no help. In other words.The Doctor, happy,"

"It was long time ago. Doesn't matter which face he was wearing - They're all the Doctor to me. So let's give it to the eyebrows,"

"But...the Daleks!"

"Yes, I'm coming to that," she says.

"Shouldn't we be, um...i don't wanna say, dead?" She presumed.

"Hush! He's travelling by teleporter. Unfortunally his teleporters out of power. Also unfortunate - he's being stalked by, Oh, say about 50 android assassins. I may be rounding up!" She says before prickiling herself on the finger with her new weapon.

"Ow!" She whimpers.

"50 invisible, indrastrictable, Android assassins. All exclusively programmed to kill him," Missy continues.

"Why are you sharpening that stick?"

"Well, I've no idea how long we're going to be stuck out here. Might have to go hunting," she replied.

"So the reason I'm tied up is?"

"In case there's nothing to hunt," she winks.

"The Doctor, then. Surronded, Outnumbered, Outgunned. And... freeze. Nanoseconds to live. Four, I'd say, being generous. Now my question is this...how did he...survive," Missy interrogates the dangiling girl.

"Oh, come on, {Y/n}! You know him. Consider the Doctor," she says, encouraging her to think back to anything the Doctor could possibly use to escape with.

"Where did he get that teleport thingy?" She asked.

"Oh, good, good. He stole one from an Andriod,"

"So, I'm guessing he uses the same energy as the Android weapon, right?"

"Excellent!" She beams.

"Not seeing you as sandwiches now,"

"Well that's good to know," She breaths.

"He uses the energy wave from the Android weapons to recharge his teleport braclet and at the exact moment he's supposed the disintegrate, he actually...teleports! Hang on - that's how you did it," {Y/n} concluds thinking back to how they managed to teleport out of death.

"That's how we escaped the Daleks,"

"I modified the same principles for our vortext manipulators, yes. Blew them off, I'm afraid. But the Doctor, he improvised it. He must have got through several thousands calculations in the time it takes to fire up a disintegrater. Seriously, what a swot!"

"So the Androids think he's dead and the Doctor escapes?" {Y/n} thought.

"No, he's the Doctor. He fell into a nest of vampire monkeys. But thats another story!" Missy exclaims.

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