Lycan Street

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     Samantha and Ben stared out the window, watching the silver Malibu pull up in their driveway. It was their babysitter. They thought they could take care of themselves as their Mom went on a date with that man they didn't like, but she thought otherwise.

"Oh look, the babysitter's here! Please behave for him." their Mom said, walking out the door. Their babysitter stepped out of the car. He wore a fedora, sunglasses and a Hawaiian shirt. "Who dresses like that?" they both thought to themselves. He talked to their Mom a little bit and entered the house.

"Hello kids! I'm David! I believe your names are Ben and Samantha. Is that true?" he said in a fake happy tone. Both Samantha and Ben stared at him. They didn't even know who he was, Mom just found him on a Babysitter website and hired him. "Is it too late for Mom to cancel her date?" Samantha asked the strange man. "I guess so." he responded. "She already left. So, let's have fun. What do you two wanna do?"

Ben looked outside towards his Basketball hoop in the driveway. "Can we play Basketball?" he asked David. He stared up at the sky through the window. The horizon was a bright orange, hinting that night was soon approaching. Where has all the time gone? Could it really almost be night already? David suddenly looked nervous. "Are you sure you want to?" he asked. "Why wouldn't I?" Ben questioned. "I don't know. It's just that it's getting dark, and, uh, that's when creature's start coming out. And-"

"Listen! We're not afraid of the dark!" responded Samantha. "And the only nocturnal creatures that live around here are silly old Opossums! There's nothing to be afraid of!" Ben added in. David tried to wipe the fear off his face as he escorted them outside.

They played many rounds of Basketball in the driveway. Eventually, the only sign of the sun's presence was the dim pink ray that lined the horizon. The street lamps flickered on. Ben and Samantha were still having so much fun playing. However, David was staring at the "Dead End" sign on the end of the street. Behind it was a very dark forest. He knew something was in there. He knew something was watching them.

He began to feel more uneasy as it slowly got darker. Samantha and Ben stopped their game and stared up at him. "What are you looking at?" they both asked him. Suddenly, a pair of red eyes appeared from behind the branches. They were Lycan eyes! He recognized those eyes anywhere! He grabbed both the kids and ran inside! "It's getting dark, we shouldn't stay out here anymore!".

The Lycan watched them run inside from behind the tree line. It let out a low growl. David noticed him, but that wasn't going to stop him!

David and the kids were watching TV when they started to get hungry. Both of Ben and Samantha begged for Pizza. David called the nearest Pizzeria and order a pepperoni pizza with garlic knots. 20 minutes later, they heard a knock on their door. David slowly approached it, he was almost certain it was just the Pizza Delivery Man, but he couldn't be sure. Luckily, he was right. It was just the Delivery Man with their pizza and garlic knots. He paid for everything and watched the man walk back to his car. Suddenly, the Pizza Delivery Man glanced over at the Dead End. He stood there for a few seconds, frozen. Then, he quickly jumped in his car, slammed the door and sped off. He saw something that scared him. David locked the front door and brought everything to the kitchen table.

Ben and Samantha excitedly took what ever pizza slices and garlic knots they wanted. David only took one slice, he wasn't the biggest fan of pizza. He didn't take any garlic knots either, he hated garlic. Everyone jumped at the sound a scratching at the front door. It wasn't like a dog pawing on a door, it sounded like a much bigger creature. Without saying a word, Ben got up and ran to open the door.

"Ben! Ben! What are you doing? Ben!" David called out to him. Ben wasn't answering, he continued his way towards the door. David got up and went after him. "Ben, seriously! You don't know who-" but it was too late. Ben flung the door wide open. Staring down at him were those terrifying red eyes. He screamed, running back to the kitchen. The Lycan stepped into the light, revealing itself.

It had a wolf-like head. Not just any wolf, a deranged monster wolf! A deep scar ran from it's left eye to the base of it's neck. It was covered from head to toe in silver fur. It had the body of a heavyweight wrestler. Each finger and toe was tipped with a 2-inch long gray claw. It let out a terrifying growl as black slime dripped out of it's maw. David grabbed both of the terrified children and ran upstairs. The Lycan bolted after them.

     David was practically shoving Ben and Samantha upstairs. He was a lot faster than they were, but they still needed to stay in front of him. He couldn't let the Lycan get them! Suddenly, it grabbed his foot and yanked him down. "Go on without me!" he ordered the children. The Lycan's jaws snapped in his face, causing the black drool to get everywhere. He wasn't strong enough to hold the creature back forever! As a last resort, he bit the Lycan's neck with all his strength. Dark purple blood gushed from the wound as the creature let out a howl of pain. This gave David plenty of time to escape. Both children stood at the top of the staircase in amazement. "Wow! How did you-" Samantha stared, only to be interrupted. "No time to explain!" David said as he grabbed the children. They all ran through the furthest door from the stairs they could find, and locked it behind them.

They found themselves in the bathroom. "Let's hide in the bath tub." David whispered to the children. They all huddled together; listening to the creature outside, searching for them. None of them even wanted to breathe, fearing it would give away their location. After 5 minutes passed, the noises disappeared.

"I think it's gone." David said as he stepped out of the bathtub. He stopped a few feet away from the door and removed his sunglasses. "Now that we're alone, I can finally do what I've been wanting to do all night!". Both Ben and Samantha were confused. "You'll understand someday. But for now, sit still. This will only hurt a little bit!". David turned around, just as two fangs grew in and his eyes began glowing yellow!

Behind him, the door flew off it's hinges! It was the Lycan, he never left! It tackled him and dug it's claws into his neck! Ben and Samantha looked away, knowing what was going to happen. David let out one final screech as his head was pulled off. Both children watched through their fingers as David's body began to change. It transformed into a bat-like body. Even his arms turned into wings! The Lycan dropped the severed head, it had become bat-like too.

Unexpectedly, the Lycan spoke! "Sorry if I scared you, but it had to be done.". Ben and Samantha were even more scared and confused than they were before. "He was a Vampire. He had plans to turn you into Vampires too. I had been hunting them for years. I'm a protector of humanity.". "So, you're not going to hurt us?" asked Ben. "As long as he didn't bite you, I won't.". "He didn't! Don't worry!" Samantha let him know.

Then the Lycan turned to leave. There were other Vampires in the area he had to terminate. "Wait! What should we do if we run into another Vampire?" Ben asked. "Nothing." the Lycan responded. "I always know where Vampires there. I will always be there to protect you. You'll just need to wait for me, and I'll show up.". With that, the Lycan left. Samantha shouted "Thank you!" as he disappeared into the night.

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